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Article Scientific Doctrine of Forming a Modern System of Land Legislation and Law Based on Objects of Land Relations: a Methodological Aspect

Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, State Advisor of Justice of III class, Professor, Department of Civil, Economic and Environmental Law, NTU "Dniprovsk Polytechnic", MES of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2020
Pages 15 - 28

Land law is among the fundamental branches of law which is developing rapidly in the context of social and law-making needs of the Ukrainian people, settlement of practical issues relating to legal support of citizens’ right to land plots as a kind of land resources, a territorial and spatial element of natural environment, natural landscape, a component of the territorial foundation of statehood, the territorial structure of Ukraine, establishment of organizational and regional administration of local communities, a means of agricultural, forestry, mining industry, a form with a recreational, historical and cultural, medical and recreational purpose, and etc.

From a historical perspective, legal regulation of land relations in Ukraine is a dynamic process focused on settlement of economic, social, environmental, state-building, scientific and technical issues, assurance of citizens’ land rights to land plots with a view to meeting the needs of life, improving their welfare, quality and environmental safety.

The dynamics of land law reforms changes periodically depending on the priorities of evolutionary or revolutionary transformations, trends of progress, its goal, assurance of public and private interests of society, and reforming of the foundations of the State.

However, it is the system of object-based composition of land relations that remains most stable and system-forming; it underlies the forming and creation of an appropriate mechanism for legal regulation and assurance of land relations. For a long time, the Land Code of Ukraine (LC of Ukraine) remains the legal form of regulation of land relations; however, in legal technical terms it does not “cope” with the functions assigned to it and requires improvement in accordance with the needs of sustainable development of land legislation adaptation to the European Union legislation and international legal treaties signed by Ukraine with other actors of international law.

Given the land law studies in this area, we see the prospects in the improvement of land legislation with a focus on the objects of legal regulation of land relat ions as the most meaningful and law-making criteria for forming the Land Code of Ukraine under presentday conditions.

Keywords objects of land legislation and law; land law relations; codification of land legislation; consolidation of land law regulations; the Land Code of Ukraine



Authored books

1. Andreitsev V, Pravovi zasady zemelnoi reformy i pryvatyzatsii zemel v Ukraini: navchalnopraktychnyi posibnyk [Legal Foundations of the Land Reform and Land Privatization in Ukraine: Study and Practice Guide] (Urozhai 1999) (in Ukrainian).

2. Andreitsev V, Zemelne pravo i zakonodavstvo suverennoi Ukrainy: aktualni problemy praktychnoi teorii [Land Law and Legislation of Sovereign Ukraine: Topical Issues of Practical Theory] (Znannia 2005) (in Ukrainian).

3. Hrynko S, Pravovi aspekty reiestratsii prav na zemliu [Legal Aspects of Land Rights Registration] (VPM 2004) (in Ukrainian).

4. Karakash I, Pravo sobstvennosti na zemlju i prava zemlepol’zovanija v Ukraine [Property Right to Land and Land Use Rights in Ukraine] (Istina 2004) (in Russian).

5. Kostiashkin I, Pravove zabezpechennia sotsialnoi funktsii prava vlasnosti na zemliu v Ukraini [Legal Support of the Social Function of Property Right to Land in Ukraine] (2016) (in Ukrainian).

6. Kovalenko T, Realizatsiia pryntsypu zakonnosti u rehuliuvanni zemelnykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, problemy pravovoho zabezpechennia [Implementation of the Principle of Legality in Regulation of Land Relations in Ukraine, Legal Support Issues] (Pravova yednist 2017) (in Ukrainian).

7. Kulynych P, Pravovi problemy okhorony, vykorystannia zemel silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia v Ukraini [Legal Issues of Agricultural Land Protection and Use in Ukraine] (Lohos 2011) (in Ukrainian).

8. Nosik V, Pravo vlasnosti na zemliu Ukrainskoho narodu [Property Right to Land of the Ukrainian People] (Iurinkom Inter 2006) (in Ukrainian).

9. Shul’ga M, Aktual’nye pravovye problemy zemel’nyh otnoshenij v sovremennyh uslovijah [Topical Legal Issues of Land Relations under Present-Day Conditions] (Konsum 1998) (in Russian).


Edited books

10. Zemelne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk [Land Law of Ukraine: Textbook] (Shulha M red, Yurinkom Inter 2004) (in Ukrainian).

11. Zemel’noe pravo Ukrainy: uchebnoe posobie [Land Law of Ukraine: Study Guide] (Karakash I red, Istina 2002) (in Russian).

12. Zemelnyi kodeks Ukrainy: komentar [Land Code of Ukraine: Commentary] (Hetman A ta Shulha M red, Odisei 2002) (in Ukrainian).

13. Zemelnyi kodeks Ukrainy: naukovo-praktychnyi komentar [Land Code of Ukraine: Scientific and Practical Commentary] (Semchyk V zah red, 2007) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

14. Andreitsev V, ‘Konstytutsiino pravovi problemy realizatsii rezhymu zemli yak osnovnoho natsionalnoho bahatstva’ [‘Constitutional Law Issues of Implementing the Regime of Land as the Major National Wealth’] (2003) 51 Visnyk KNU imeni Tarasa Shevchenka 106–12 (in Ukrainian). 15. Andreitsev V, ‘Suverennii Ukraini – novu “Zemelnu Konstytutsiiu”. Kontseptualni pidkhody do pidhotovky proektu Kodeksu zakoniv Ukrainy pro zemliu’ [‘New “Land Constitution” for Sovereign Ukraine. Conceptual Approaches to Drafting of the Code of Laws of Ukraine on Land’] (1999) 8 Pravo Ukrainy 58–65 (in Ukrainian).

16. Kulynych P, ‘Zemelna dilianka yak ob’iekt pravovykh vidnosyn: poniattia, oznaky, vydy’ [‘Land as an Object of Legal Relations: Concepts, Features, Types’] (2010) 3 Chasopys Kyivskoho universytetu prava NAN Ukrainy 218 (in Ukrainian).


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