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Article Right to Permanent use of a Land Plot: Issues of Theory and Practice

Doctor of law, Professor, judge The Supreme Court (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2020
Pages 143 - 157

The article is focused on the characterization of such real right as the right to permanent use of a land plot.

The purpose of the article is to mainstream the existing doctrinal developments regarding the right to permanent use of land, and also to highlight the current law application issues relating to its exercise, and to make recommendations for improving land legislation.

The author elaborates on the requirements of Ukraine’s land legislation regarding the said right to permanent use and describes the scientific approaches to the essence and components of this right. A separate emphasis is placed on the current law application issues which pertain to its implementation by relevant holders of the right to permanent use of a land plot, with examples of case law in resolving of such issues.

It is argued that the right to permanent use of a land plot has an independent place in the system of real rights to land.

The author arrives at the conclusion that today only legal entities – both business entities and public, religious organizations or educational institutions – may get land for permanent use. Such legal entities have the purpose of performing certain public, social, educational functions or providing public services to a significant number of consumers.

Today, there is an urgent need to resolve the issue of “transferring” this right which is obtained under earlier land legislation and whereby the persons who obtained it are now unable to get land on the basis of such real right, into statutory enshrined real rights to land – right of land ownership or land lease. In this context, permanent land users should be given the right to independently determine the real right upon which they will continue using relevant land plots.

It is argued that only the issues of state registration of the right to permanent use of lands provided for such use to relevant entities at the expense of Stateor municipally owned lands have been appropriately regulated by legislation. But there is no appropriate statutory regulation of the relations associated with state registration of the right to permanent use of a land plot which was once provided to an individual and, for instance, is used by a farm founded by such an individual.


Keywords land plot; permanent use; right to use of a land plot; right to permanent use of a land plot; farm


Authored books

1. Karakash I, Pravo sobstvennosti na zemlju i pravo zemlepol’zovanija v Ukraine: nauchnoprakticheskoe posobie [The Right of Land Ownership and the Right of Land Use in Ukraine: Scientific and Practical Guide] (Istina 2004) (in Russian).

2. Miroshnychenko A ta Marusenko R, Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Zemelnoho kodeksu Ukrainy [Scientific and Practical Commentary on the Land Code of Ukraine] (5-te vyd, Alerta 2013) (in Ukrainian).

3. Semchyk V ta Kulynych P ta Shulha M, Zemelne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk [Land Law of Ukraine: Textbook] (In Yure 2008) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

4. Kharytonova T, ‘Teoretychni ta praktychni problemy zdiisnennia prav na chuzhi zemelni dilianky’ [‘Theoretical and Practical Issues of Exercising the Rights to Other People’s Land Plots’] v Aktualni problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia ahrarnykh, zemelnykh, ekolohichnykh ta pryrodoresursnykh vidnosyn v Ukraini [Current Issues of Legal Regulation of Agricultural, Land, Environmental and Natural Resource Relations in Ukraine] (Kharytonova T ta Karakash I vidp red, Helvetyka 2018) (in Ukrainian).

5. Nabuttia i realizatsiia prav na zemliu v Ukraini: navchalnyi posibnyk [Acquisition and Exercise of Land Rights in Ukraine: Teaching Guide] (Karakash I red, Yuryd l-ra 2016) (in Ukrainian).

 6. Nosik V ta Kovalchuk T, ‘Pravo na postiine korystuvannia zemleiu: poniattia, ob’iekty, sub’iekty, zmist, nabuttia, realizatsiia, prypynennia’ [Right to Permanent Use of Land: Concepts, Objects, Subjects, Content, Acquisition, Exercise, Termination’] v Zemelne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk [Land Law of Ukraine: Textbook] (Nosik V red, Kyivskyi universytet 2008) (in Ukrainian).

7. Shliakhy pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti upravlinnia zemelnymy resursamy mist Ukrainy [Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Land Resource Management in Ukrainian Cities] (2005) (in Ukrainian).

8. Shulha M, ‘Pravo postiinoho korystuvannia zemelnoiu diliankoiu’ [‘Right to Permanent Use of a Land Plot’] v Velyka ukrainska entsyklopediia [The Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia], t 16: Zemelne ta ahrarne pravo [Land and Agricultural Law] (Shulha M holova redkol, Pravo 2019) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

9. Antoniuk M ta Sydoruk O, ‘Pravova pryroda prava postiinoho zemlekorystuvannia v istorychnii perspektyvi’ [‘ Legal Nature of the Right to Permanent Land Use from the Historical Perspective’] (2018) 3–4 Yurydychna Ukraina 88 (in Ukrainian).

10. Yurchenko E, ‘Pravova dolia zemelnykh dilianok, nadanykh osobam na pravi postiinoho korystuvannia dlia stvorennia ta vedennia fermerskoho hospodarstva’ [‘Legal Fate of Land Plots Provided to Individuals Subject to the Right of Permanent Use with the Aim of Establishing and Managing a Farm’] (2017) 9 Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo 102 (in Ukrainian).



11. Dunai M, ‘Iak oformyty zemelnu dilianku pid bahatokvartyrnym budynkom’ [‘How to Register a Land Plot Located Under an Apartment Building’] (Sudovo-iurydychna hazeta, 02.02.2019) < tokvar tirnim-budinkom> (accessed: 27.12.2019) (in Ukrainian).


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