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Article Court Expert Examination in Resolving Land Disputes Over Land use for Urban Development: Issues of Theory and Practice

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior researcher, Director Odessa Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Odesa, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2020
Pages 187 - 197

In the course of today’s land reform, the nature and content of land relations has changed. At the same time, the legal nature of land disputes has also changed: causes entailing such disputes, conditions and the procedure for their consideration and resolution. The cause of land disputes (conflicts) is the socio-economic, psychological and other confrontation of interests of certain actors inherent to any society in general, to a certain community of individuals, as well as to certain individuals in particular. Where a dispute arises over the use of land for urban development purposes, such dispute is underlain by the conflict of urban development interests of certain actors in respect of land (land plots) use for urban development. However, so far the doctrine of land law has not systematically considered the use of opinions of court experts (experts), legal experts, as well as scientific and scientific legal opinions in the context of resolving land disputes on land use for urban development.

This article aims at clarifying the concept of a land dispute, the role of court expert examination in resolving land disputes on land use for urban development needs, and at highlighting the topical issues in the theory and practice of court expert examinations with a focus on land and construction issues.

In the course of the study, the author analyses the concept of a land dispute, the correlation of the categories “dispute” and “conflict”, and formulates the definition of a land dispute.

It is substantiated that most often, to resolve land disputes on land use for urban development purposes, a need arises to make land and construction court expert examination (expert study).

Based on the study made, the author arrives at the conclusion that the use of a court expert’s opinion for the purpose of consideration of land disputes, both in court and out of court, will contribute to fair consideration of such a dispute, since without the special knowledge which a court expert possesses, in many cases it is impossible to establish relevant facts and circumstances.


Keywords land disputes; protection of land rights; court expert examination; technical land expert examination; expert land valuation; land management research; expert examination on technical construction issues


Authored books

1. Ancupov A i Shipilov A, Konfliktologija: uchebnik dlja vuzov [Conflict Resolution Studies: Textbook for Universities] (JuNITI 2000) (in Russian).

2. Jeĭsman A, Zakljuchenie jeksperta (struktura i nauchnoe obosnovanie) [Expert Opinion (Structure and Scientific Justification)] (Juridicheskaja literatura 1967) (in Russian).


Edited books

3. Zemelne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk [Land Law of Ukraine: Textbook] (Pohribnyi O ta Karakash I red, Istyna 2003) (in Ukrainian). 4. Zemelnyi kodeks Ukrainy: komentar [Land Code of Ukraine: Commentary] (Hetman A ta Shulha M red, Odysei 2002) (in Ukrainian).

5. Juridicheskaja konfliktologija [Legal Conflict Resolution Studies] (Kudrjavcev B red, 1995) (in Russian).


Journal articles

6. Arseniuk A, ‘Zemelnyi spir yak protsesualna katehoriia: doktrynalno-pravovyi analiz’ [‘Land Dispute as a Procedural Category: Doctrinal and Legal Analysis’] [2014] 29 (1) Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Seriia: Pravo 233–35 (in Ukrainian).

7. Burova L, ‘Shchodo spivvidnoshennia katehorii “konflikt” ta “spir” u sferi prava intelektualnoi vlasnosti’ [‘On the Correlation between the Categories “Conflict” and “Dispute” in the Domain’ of Intellectual Property Law’] [2016] 3 (2) Evropsky politicky a pravni diskurz 238–42 (in Ukrainian).

8. Darendorf R, ‘Jelementy teorii social’nogo konflikta’ [‘Elements of Social Conflict Theory’] (1994) 5 Sociologicheskie issledovanija 142–7 (in Russian).

9. Karakash I, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia rozghliadu ta vyrishennia zemelnykh sporiv yak harantiia zakhystu prav na zemliu’ [‘Legal Regulation of Land Dispute Consideration and Resolution as a Guarantee of Land Rights Protection’] (2017) 12 Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo 132 (in Ukrainian). 10. Kivalov S, ‘Vyborchyi spir yak riznovyd publichno-pravovoho sporu’ [‘Electoral Dispute as a Type of Public-Law Dispute’] (2011)

10 Naukovi pratsi Odeskoi natsionalnoi yurydychnoi akademii 9 (in Ukrainian).



11. Leiba L, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia vyrishennia zemelnykh sporiv’ [‘Legal Regulation of Land Dispute Resolution’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2005) (in Ukrainian).



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