Article | Cameralistic Relations of the XV–XIX Centuries in the Genesis of Administrative Law |
Authors |
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Dean of Law Faculty of Zaporizhzhya Research ID: M-9082-2019
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative and Business
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2020 |
Pages | 272 - 288 |
Annotation | The aim of this study is to provide the grounds for recognizing cameralistics as one of major factors in the genesis of modern administrative law, particularly, of its part relating to administration in economic areas, through establishing the presence orabsence of a correlation dependence between cameralistic relations of XV–XIX centuries and today’s administrative law relations. The article examines the correlation dependence between cameralistic relations, the signs of which are found in the capitularies of Charlemagne and which infiltrated into the practice of administration as long ago as in 1439, and today’s administrative law relations. The article provides substantiation for recognizing of cameralistics as one of major factors in the genesis of administrative law. The academic novelty lies in proving the evolutionary connection between the disparate recommendations on economic management of the early cameralism period, theoretical knowledge on the arrangement of the economic component of State-building in the XIX century, and their transformation into a sub-branch of modern administrative law. The author highlights the fact that the use of the term “cameralism” in the practice of administration is linked to the regulatory activity of the councils of the Florentine Republic (1439), among which the “school of thinkers” was born, whose representatives labeled themselves as “cameralists”. It is emphasized that the point at which the needs of purely cameralistic economic management started to converge with new economic interests (creation of manufactories, improvement of socio-professional structuring of society, ensuring of an active trade balance, prohibition of import of certain goods and export of raw materials, introduction of reasoned customs duties on certain products, quality control, the use of forced labor, etc.) may be considered a sign indicating that management activities moved beyond early cameralism. The author shows the mechanism transforming the references about proper economic management into systematized knowledge about management of public resources which gradually gains theoretical content and appear as a scientific and educational discipline under the title “cameralistics”, with its subsequenttransformation into the special part of modern administrative law. The findings of the study: 1) there is a correlation dependence between cameralistic relations and modern administrative law relations; 2) since their origination, cameralistic relations have been constantly evolving; 3) their evolution ensues from systematic accumulation of knowledge from practical recommendations on the conduct of cameralistic economy to theoretical generalizations; 4) cameralistic knowledge was in demand even after the relevant university curricula were closed, because for administrative law scholars, they formed the competencies needed to ensure economic growth; 5) they formed a specific system of knowledge about management (administration) in the realm of economy, which has eventually transformed into the sub-branch of modern administrative law; 6) today, an organic, explicable and consistent result of our study should be the renaming of the special part of administrative law from “Management in economy” to “Cameralistic administration”; 7) cameralistic relations are a major factor in the genesis of administrative law.
Keywords | cameralistic relations; domain; domain management; cameralistic management; German cameralism; early cameralism; territorial principality |
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