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Article Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Forming of the National Doctrine of Land Law of Ukraine

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Pro-Rector for Scientific Work of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Scopus Author ID: 55131901800



PhD of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Environmental Law Department of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Researcher ID:С-8160-2019


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2020
Pages 29 - 42

Forming of the modern national doctrine of land law involves a number of issues, including those of theoretical and methodological nature. With a support on methodological approaches, the article looks at the doctrine of land law as the branch legal basis of land law and the State land policy which is institutionalized in land legislation and is an integrating set of legal and scientific interpretations and judgments about law, within the framework of which legal forms of cognition of law and legal phenomena, principles, concepts, terms and constructions are developed, and the ways, means, techniques of perception, understanding and interpretation of its sources, the system and structure are substantiated, and so on.

The article aims at reviewing and streamlining the theoretical and methodological foundations upon which the doctrine of land law is formed, at outlining the perspective course of establishing and determining the specific features of its application in the context of national policy improvement, particularly, for reforming land relations, and further systematization of land legislation under the conditions of European integration and sustainable development, and also at presenting the author’s own vision of the issues outlined.

With this goal in mind, the author applies the comprehensive approach which comprises the use of a wide range of general philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific methods, as well as legal methods proper. The historical method was also helpful in studying the genesis of the doctrine of land law and legislation. The dialectical method made it possible to comprehensively consider and substantiate the natural way of forming (through the dynamics, constant updating and improvement) of the doctrine of land law. Using the system structural method, the article determines the place of thedoctrine of land law in the architectonics of the system of the national legal doctrine. The theoretical prognostic method is applied to forecast a further improvement of provisions of the national doctrine of land law and land legislation, and the mental simulation method – to design and modernize the legal rules proposed with the aim of amending current legislation. Using the statistical method, the article proves a negative impact of collisions and inconsistencies in land legislation provisions on the mechanism of legal regulation of land relations. These and other methods are used in conjunction, and this contributes to the completeness of the study and the validity of the conclusions and proposals made. At the same time, environmentalism has become the optimal methodological foundation for forming of the doctrine of land law.

Furthermore, via the integrated approach to the study of this issue the author proves that further systematization of land legislation should occur on the basis of working upon a single scientific doctrine, and this will be conductive to the correct interpretation of legal rules, to overcoming of contradictions, collisions and gaps in current land legislation of Ukraine; the author also formulates the proposals to improve such legislation and arrives at the conclusion that the main task of our country in terms of European integration is to create an integral, logically consistent national doctrine of land law as a theoretical foundation for rule-making processes and for forming of a unified legal space.


Keywords methodological foundations; doctrine of land law; land law relations; land legislation; the State land policy


Authored books

1. Getman A, Doktryna ekolohichnoho prava ta zakonodavstva Ukrainy [Doctrine of Ecological Law and Legislation of Ukraine] (Oberih 2019) 336 (in Ukrainian).

2. Semenikhin I, Pravova doktryna: zahalnoteoretychnyi analiz [Legal Doctrine: GeneralTheoretical Analysis] (Yurait 2012] (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

3. Maksymov S, ‘Pravova doktryna: filosofsko-pravovyi pidkhid’ [‘Legal Doctrine: Philosophical and Legal Approach’] Petryshyn O (red), Pravova doktryna Ukrainy: monographia [Legal Doctrine of Ukraine: Monograph], t 1: Zahalnoteoretychna ta istorychna yurysprudentsiia [General Theoretical and Historical Law] (Pravo 2013) 58–93 (in Ukrainian).

4. Pravova doktryna Ukrainy [Legal Doctrine of Ukraine], t 1: Zahalnoteoretychna ta istorychna yurysprudentsiia [General Theoretical and Historical Law] (Petryshyn O red, Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian).

5. Pravova doktryna Ukrainy [Legal Doctrine of Ukraine], t 4: Doktrynalni problemy ekolohichnoho, ahrarnoho ta hospodarskoho prava [The Doctrinal Problems of the Ecological, Agrarian and Commercial Law] (Shemshuchenko Yu red, Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian).

6. Teoriia derzhavy i prava: pidruchnyk [Theory of State and Law: Textbook] (Petryshyn O red, Pravo 2014) (in Ukrainian).



7. Oborotov Yu ta Horobets K, ‘Metodolohiia pravovoho piznannia’ [‘Legal Knowledge Methodology’] v Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia [The Great Ukrainian Legal Encyclopedia], t 2 (Maksymov S red, Pravo 2017) (in Ukrainian). 8. Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia [The Great Ukrainian Legal Encyclopedia], t 3 (Petryshyn O red, Pravo, 2017) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

9. Zelenkevich I, ‘Pravovaja doktrina i pravovaja nauka: nekotorye aspekty sootnoshenija i ispol’zovanija v kachestve istochnikov prava’ [‘Legal Doctrine and Legal Science: Some Aspects of the Relationship and use as Sources of Law’] [2010] 2 (6) Severo-Vostochnyj nauchnyj zhurnal 42–7 (in Russian).


Conference papers

10. Andreitsev V, ‘Naukova doktryna – metodolohiia piznannia ta udoskonalennia ekolohichnoho prava ta praktyky yoho zastosuvannia’ [‘Scientific Doctrine – Methodology of Knowledge and Improvement of Ecological Law and Practice of its Application’] v Suchasni naukovo-praktychni problemy ekolohichnoho, zemelnoho ta ahrarnoho prava: materialy kruhloho stolu [Modern Scientific and Practical Problems of Ecological, Land and Agrarian Law: Round Table Materials] (Pravo 2013) 11–4 (in Ukrainian).

11. Anisimova H, ‘Vplyv pryrodno-pravovoi kontseptsii na rozvytok ekoloho-pravovoi doktryny, nauky ta zakonodavstva’ [‘Impact of Natural and Legal Concept on the Development of Environmental and Legal Doctrine, Science and Legislation], in Riven efektyvnosti ta neobkhidnosti vplyvu yurydychnoi nauky na normotvorchu diialnist ta yurydychnu praktyku: materialy Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. [The level of Efficiency and Necessity of Influence of Legal Science in Rulorcreative Activity and Legal Practice: Vaterials of Intern. Sciences.-Pract. Conf.] (2016) 52–5 (in Ukrainian).

12. Getman A, ‘Suchasni tendentsii rozvytku ekoloho-pravovoi nauky v umovakh realizatsii Uhody pro asotsiatsiiu Ukrainy z YeS’ [‘Modern Trends of Environmental and Legal Science Development in Terms of Implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU’] v Suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku zemelnoho, ahrarnoho, ekolohichnoho ta pryrodoresursnoho prava: teoriia ta praktyka: zb. materialiv nauk.-prakt. konf. [Current state and perspectives of the development of Land, Agrarian, Ecological and Natural Resource Law: Theory and Practice: Materials of Sciences.-Pract. Conf.] (Oberih 2018) 15–21 (in Ukrainian).

13. Ljul’kovich S, ‘Opredelenie i svojstva doktriny (nauki) kak istochnika prava’ [‘The Definition and Properties of Doctrine (Science) as a Source of Law’] v Pravovaja sistema Respubliki Belarus’: sostojanie, problemy i perspektivy razvitija: materialy IX Mezhvuz. nauch. konf. studentov, magistrov i aspirantov [The Legal System of the Republic of Belarus: the State, Problems and Prospects for Development: Materials of IX Intercollegiate Science. Conf. Undergraduate, Master’s and Graduate Students] (GrGU 2009) 195–7 (in Russian).

14. Tatsii V, ‘Metodolohichni problemy pravovoi nauky na etapi formuvannia pravovoi, demokratychnoi, sotsialnoi derzhavy’ [‘Methodological Problems of Legal Science at the Stage of Formation of a Legal, Democratic, Social State’] v Metodolohichni problemy pravovoi nauky: Materialy Mizhnar. nauk. konf. [Methodological problems of legal science: Materials of Intern. Sciences. Conf.] (Pravo 2003) 3–13 (in Ukrainian).



15. Karmalita M, ‘Pravova doktryna – dzherelo (forma) prava’ [‘Legal Doctrine – Source (Form) of Law’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2011) (in Ukrainian).



16. Korchevna L, ‘Problema riznodzherelnoho prava: dosvid porivnialnoho pravoznavstva [‘The Problem of Different-Source Law: The Experience of Comparative Law’] (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2005) (in Ukrainian).


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