Article | Public Administration in Land use and Protection in Ukraine: Challenging Issues of Legal and Institutional Support |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, First Vice-rector Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2020 |
Pages | 43 - 62 |
Annotation | One of the principal courses of the most recent land reform in Ukraine is a radical update of the public administration system relating to land use and protection. However, the generally inconsistent and contradictory nature of transformations in the land domain is a significant impediment to finding a solution to this task. This negative trend overlaps the situation of incompleteness of the administrative reform in the State and the lack of a clear strategy for the development of the system of central executive bodies in particular and the system of public administration bodies in general. This article focuses on the analysis of the challenging issues relating to legal and institutional support of public administration in land use and protection in Ukraine and on formulating of the proposals for resolution thereof on this basis. Having analyzed the correlation of the concepts “administration by the State” and “public administration” in the area under study, the author arrives at the conclusion that it is reasonable to give preference to the latter because, firstly, of the closeness of legal relations of the Stateand self-government administration in the area of land use and protection, and secondly, of the need to abandon the “State-centered” approaches in favor of constructive implementation of the best European practices in the public administration domain. The article notes that the State land and environmental policies are methodologically significant for the development of the public administration system in the land sector. It is established that the State Environmental Policy Strategies of Ukraine, both the current and the prior ones, while quite reasonably enshrining the need for deep modernization of this system, especially in the context of European integration processes, are mostly declarative in this regard. The attention is focused on the issue of correlation between and interaction of different levels of legal support for the land-administration relations; today this issue has gained significant importance due to, firstly, the situation of incompleteness regarding constitutional support of the reform of the State’s administrative and territorial structure and decentralization, and secondly, the need to determine a clear correlation between the provisions of administrative and land law in the area under consideration. In the conclusion, the author emphasizes the need – through consolidated efforts of all land-law scientific schools of the State – for developing the most coordinated approaches with regard to the system of public administration functions in the land sector, with further embodiment of the theoretical results obtained in the rule-making proposals.This is regarded as important also given the need for modernization and updating of the traditional functions and the emergence of the new ones. The article emphasizes the need to overcome institutional instability as one of the main shortcomings of the public administration system with regard to land, including in the control and supervisory field, since permanent and rather contradictory reformation processes within the configuration of the State executive bodies do not allow achieving the integrated unity of regulatory, institutional and functional subsystems in the organizational and legal mechanism of public land administration.
Keywords | public administration; land use and protection; land administration relations; environmental policy; public administration function; public administration body; control |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Andreitsev V, Zemelne pravo i zakonodavstvo suverennoi Ukrainy: aktualni problemy praktychnoi teorii: monohrafiia [Land Law and Legislation in Sovereign Ukraine: Current Issues of Practice Theory: Monograph] (2-he vyd, Znannia 2007) (in Ukrainian). 2. Averianov V ta Derets V ta Shkolyk A, Derzhavne upravlinnia: yevropeiski standarty, dosvid ta administratyvne pravo [Public Administration: European Standards, Experience and Administrative Law] (Iustinian 2007) (in Ukrainian). 3. Busuiok D, Upravlinski ta servisni pravovidnosyny v zemelnomu pravi Ukrainy: monohrafiia [Legal Administrative and Service Relations in the Land Law of Ukraine: Monograph] (Nika-tsentr 2017) (in Ukrainian). 4. Melnyk R ta Bevzenko V, Zahalne administratyvne pravo: navchalnyi posibnyk [General Administrative Law: Manual] (Vaite 2014) (in Ukrainian). 5. Nosik V, Pravo vlasnosti na zemliu ukrainskoho narodu: monohrafiia [Land Ownership of Ukrainian Citizens: Monograph] (Iurinkom Inter 2006) (in Ukrainian). 6. Tsvirkun Yu, Oskarzhennia v administratyvnomu sudochynstvi rishen, dii ta bezdiialnosti kolehialnykh subiektiv publichnoi administratsii: problemy teorii i praktyky [Administrative Proceedings of Appealing Against Decisions, Actions And Inactions of Collegial Bodies of Public Administration: Theory and Practice] Kherson (Helvetyka 2019) (in Ukrainian).
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