Article | Land Law and Legislation of Ukraine: a Systemic Crisis or a Paradigm Shift in the Context of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine until 2030? |
Authors |
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine , Head of the department of land and agrarian law Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2020 |
Pages | 76 - 90 |
Annotation | The article deals with the methodological, scientific and theoretical, constitutional and legislative foundations of the current situation with and the prospects for evolution of the land law and legislation doctrine in the context of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Ukraine for the period up to 2030. This article intends to make a scientific and theoretical analysis and professional assessment of the current situation with the doctrine of land law, the system and structure of land law and legislation, and of their functional purpose as components of the national legal system within the framework for providing the mechanism of legal regulation of land relations in the context of SDG implementation and, based thereon, to draw conclusions and give recommendations for development of land law, improvement of the system, structure and content of legislation pursuant to the Constitution of Ukraine in the context of SDG in Ukraine as a democratic, rule-of-law and social welfare state. It is argued that for objective and subjective reasons, a need has become apparent to review the ideas, views, and concepts which are currently established in the theory of land law in regard to the legal nature of modern land law and legislation, and to make a gradual transition to a new paradigm of legal regulation of land relations and other social relations linked thereto, given the commitments undertaken by Ukraine in respect of implementing SDG until 2030. The author established that in the modern doctrine of land law of Ukraine, there are still unexplored theoretical and practical issues relating to the legal framework for implementation of such SDG as overcoming poverty, preventing hunger, ensuring of the ecosystem-based approach to the use of lands and other natural resources in agriculture, forestry and water management. Thus, legal, institutional and functional, and other means ensuring SDG implementation receive no legislative expression and normative consolidation in the current land legislation and agricultural, environmental and other legislation associated with it. The author concludes that a paradigm shift in legal regulation of land relations pursuant to the Constitution of Ukraine in the context of SDG implementation will necessarily entail a need to review the system and structure of land legislation, given the planned re-codification of civil legislation of Ukraine. The author proposes to review the entire system of land legislation for consistency with the Constitution of Ukraine, to abandon further codification of land legislation in the form of the Land Code, and to develop and adopt the following fundamental laws: “On Land Ownership of the Ukrainian People”, “On Land Use in Ukraine”, “On the Protection of Land as the Main National Wealth of the Ukrainian People”, “On State Regulation of Land Relations in the Market Economy Conditions”, as well as functional laws on public administration in the land relations domain.
Keywords | doctrine of land law; land legislation; land relations; sustainable development goals; systemic crisis; overcoming poverty; overcoming hunger; ecosystem-based approach; recodification |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Fulei T, Zastosuvannia praktyky Yevropeiskoho Sudu z prav liudyny pry zdiisnenni pravosuddia. Naukovo-metodychnyi posibnyk dlia suddiv [Application of the European Court of Human Rights Case Law in the Administration of Justice. Scientific and Methodological Guide for Judges] (2-he vyd, 2015) (in Ukrainian). 2. Nosik V, Pravo vlasnosti na zemliu Ukrainskoho narodu [Land Ownership Right of the Ukrainian People] (Iurinkom Inter 2006) (in Ukrainian).
Edited book 3. Pravova doktryna Ukrainy [Legal Doctrine of Ukraine], t 4: Doktrynalni problemy ekolohichnoho, ahrarnoho ta hospodarskoho prava [Doctrinal Issues of Environmental, Agricultural and Economic Law] (Shemshuchenko Yu zah red, Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian). 4. Pravova systema Ukrainy: istoriia, stan ta perspektyvy [Legal System of Ukraine: History, Current Situation and Prospects], t 4: Metodolohichni zasady rozvytku ekolohichnoho, zemelnoho, ahrarnoho ta hospodarskoho prava [Methodological Foundations for Development of Environmental, Land, Agricultural and Economic Law] (Shemshuchenko Yu red, Pravo 2008) (in Ukrainian).
Conference papers 5. Nosik V, ‘Problemy pravovoho zabezpechennia realizatsii tsilei staloho rozvytku u sferi zberezhennia, vidnovlennia ta ratsionalnoho vykorystannia ekosystem v Ukraini’ [‘Issues Pertaining to the Legal Framework for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Realm of Conservation, Restoration and Rational Use of Ecosystems in Ukraine’] v Osoblyvosti pravovoho rehuliuvannia ekolohichnykh, zemelnykh, ahrarnykh, pryrodo resursnykh vidnosyn v umovakh hlobalizatsii: zbirnyk materialiv Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [Specifics of Legal Regulation of Environmental, Land, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Relations in the Globalization Context: Collected Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific And Practical Conference] (Kobetska N vidp red, Prykarpatskyi natsionalnyi universytet im. Vasylia Stefanyka 2019) 23–6 (in Ukrainian). 6. Nosik V, ‘Problemy zemelnoho, ahrarnoho, ekolohichnoho prava u zabezpechenni realizatsii tsilei staloho rozvytku v Ukraini’ [‘Issues of Land, Agricultural and Environmental Law in Ensuring the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine’] v Pravove zabezpechennia sotsialno-ekonomichnoho rozvytku: stan ta perspektyvy: Materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi 35-richchiu kafedry hospodarskoho prava Donetskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Vasylia Stusa [Legal Framework for Socio-Economic Development: Current Situation and Prospects: Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the Economic Law Department of Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University] (Bobkova A ta Zakharchenko A nauk red, Donetskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Vasylia Stusa 2019) 231–3 (in Ukrainian). 7. Rozvytok ahrarnoho, zemelnoho ta ekolohichnoho prava na zlami tysiacholit: materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [Development of Agricultural, Land and Environmental Law at the Turn of the Millennium: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference] (Iermolenko V zah red, 2018) (in Ukrainian). 8. Suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku ekolohichnoho, zemelnoho ta ahrarnoho prava v umovakh Yevrointehratsii: materialy kruhloho stolu [Current Situation and Development Prospects of Environmental, Land and Agricultural Law in the European Integration Context: Round Table Materials] (Hetman A zah red, 2017) (in Ukrainian).
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