Article | The Doctrine of Private International Law in Ukraine at the Turn of the Century |
Authors |
Doctor of law, Professor, Member of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, Merited lawyer of Ukraine, Professor of private international law department Institute of international relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2020 |
Pages | 13 - 40 |
Annotation | The process of codifying the provisions of private international law has become the major factor triggering the reinterpretation and development of its doctrine in modern Ukraine. When the codification project was prepared in the mid-1990s, it turned out that all the elements of the private international law theory, which was Soviet in essence, had to be thoroughly “sorted out”, like parts in a car engine. The codification efforts highlighted the need for changes, primarily of the approaches to the conflict-oflaws doctrine. Later, this had an effect on the shaping of new scientific ideas about other aspects of the paradigm of private international law. The purpose of the article is to elaborate on the content of re-conceptualization of the private international law doctrine in Ukraine at the turn of the century as a result of successful codification of conflict of laws (conflict of laws and jurisdictions). The author establishes that the domestic conflict of laws doctrine has been updated in the following areas: (i) switching of conflict of laws to the private-law basis; (ii) making of the conflict-of-laws provisions more flexible and, at the same time, maintaining theirdistinctness; (iii) “materialization” of the choi ce of law; (iv) adoption of the unilateral approach for dealing with a conflict-of-laws issue. The author concludes that the Ukrainian “conflict-of-laws” codification at the turn of the century facilitated the transition of the domestic private international law doctrine to the theoretical platform of Western European countries and international organizations. By means of the principle, connecting factor and other facets of the closest connection, Ukrainian conflict of laws was actually rewritten anew. Currently it is characterized by high dispositivity, regulativity and flexibility. Having assimilated the modern multi-lateral method of the choice of law, which has been established to a great extent due to the efforts of F. Savigny, the domestic doctrine of private international law has not abandoned the elements of materialization of conflict of laws (its focus on the material result of a decision made in a particular case – material justice) and a unilateral approach to dealing with a conflict-of-laws issue. Today, the new domestic doctrine also offers the content of the main lines of recodification (updating) of private international law. The author believes that an important task of the update is to bring the codification back to the structure of the Civil Code of Ukraine in the form of the closing book on private international law.
Keywords | private international law doctrine; conflict-of-laws rule; codification; Law of Ukraine “On Private International Law”; recodification of conflict of laws |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Butler W, Civil code of Ukraine and law of Ukraine on private international law (Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Pub 2011) (in English). 2. Symeonides S, Codifying Choice of Law Around the World: An International Comparative Analysis (Oxford University Press 2014) (in English). 3. Asoskov A, Osnovy kollizionnogo prava [Fundamentals of Conflict of Laws] (Infotropic Media 2013) (in Russian). 4. Zvekov V, Kollizii zakonov v mezdunarodnom chastnom prave [Conflict of Laws in Private International Law] (Wolters Kluwer 2007) (in Russian). 5. Lunts L, Mezdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik [Private International Law: Textbook] (Juridicheskoe izdatelstvo Ministerstva justitsii SSSR 1949) (in Russian). 6. Lunts L, Mezdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo [Private International Law] (Juridicheskaia literatura 1973) (in Russian). 7. Merezhko A, Lex mercatoria: teoriia i printsipy transnatsionalnogo torgovogo prava [Lex Mercatoria: Theory and Principles of Transnational Commercial Law] (Takson 1999) (in Russian). 8. Pereterskii I i Krylov S, Mezdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo [Private International Law] (Gocudarstvennoe izdatelstvo juridicheskoi literatury 1959) (in Russian).
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Websites 29. ‘Pryntsipyh vyboru prava u mizhnarodnyh komertsiinyh dogovorah’ [‘Principles of the Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts’] < a3b1d0ac-4b81-4330-8716-ab1ea96de790.pdf> (accessed: 21.05.2020) (in Ukrainian).
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