Article | Legal Qualification in Private International Law: Improvement of Theoretical and Practical Approaches in Ukraine |
Authors |
Candidate of sciences in Jurisprudence, Attorney at Law (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2020 |
Pages | 54 - 81 |
Annotation | Given the doctrinal debatable nature of the issues regarding the place of legal qualification in dealing with a conflict-of-laws rule, its limits, subject matter, and the delimitation of the concepts “qualification” and “interpretation”, the author generally upholds the effectual approach of the Ukrainian legislator to the statutory regulation of this issue in the Law of Ukraine “On Private International Law” (PIL law). As the article shows, in the concept of current Art. 7 a correlation may be traced with the doctrinal approach of qualification by functional purpose (“par la fonction” or “enlightened lege fori”), according to which it is the function embodied in a foreign legal institution that should be taken up as the point of synchronization of such an institution with a respective conflict-of-laws rule of the court law. In line with this trend and given the signing of the Hague Convention in 2019, and also in view of the relations of association of Ukraine with the European Union, the author recommends a number of improvements with regard to regulation of legal qualification issues in private international law in Ukraine. Such proposals are aimed at unifying the approaches to legal qualification in the context of regulating the conflicts of laws and the conflicts of jurisdictions. The key recommendations include: 1) adding a new section V1 “Conflict-of-Laws Rules Regarding Trusts” to PIL Law and, at the same time, expanding respectively the set of concepts of PIL Law with the term “trust” in the light of the doctrine of legal qualification by functional purpose; 2) improving the provision of article 75 of PIL Law with a view to avoiding the effect of parallel litigation by two courts (“lis alibi pendens”), with appropriate consolidation of the approach taken up by the European Court of Justice (in the context of interpretation of the concepts inherent in civil justice systems of foreign countries); 3) introducing the proposed improvements to PIL Law (with certain exceptions) at the level of the relevant procedural codes. At the same time, it is recommended to refrain from consolidating the provisions of part 3, article 75 of PIL Law (which propose introducing the principle of teleological and systemic interpretation proper to the practice of the European Court of Justice) at the level of procedural codes. Given the nature of this principle, its implementation in judicial practice is seen as more effective via the relevant legal positions of the Supreme Court. A similar approach is recommended in respect of legal qualification by functional purpose regarding the issues of internal aspects of trusts (as prescribed by the provisions of the new section V1 and the new clause of the transitional provisions of PIL Law). Thus, on the way of implementing the doctrine of legal qualification by functional purpose, the author believes that it is judicial practice that has a defining role. The matter is that along with doctrinal ambiguity, legal qualification is also always inherently linked to the factual circumstances of a particular case, and setting forth an exhaustive list of facts in a particular law can hardly be considered a realistic intention.
Keywords | legal qualification; conflict of laws; conflict of jurisdictions; “Brussels I”; “Rome I”, practice of the European Court of Justice; the Hague Convention; trusts; internal aspects of trusts |
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