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Article Human Right to Mediation

Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fedkovych (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Researcher ID:  D-5476-2016



Doctor of Law, Associate Professor,  Head of the Department of Public Law Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fedkovych (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID:   Researcher ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2020
Pages 212 - 229

The purpose of the article is to substantiate mediation as a value seen as one of the innate and inalienable human rights.

The subject matter, purpose and objectives of the research have determined the basic methodological tools of the article: practical philosophy and material phenomenology, which are efficient tools for cognition of such “an invisible” phenomenon, according to M. Henri, “as the sphere of intersubjectivity”, and also the need-based approach making it possible to analyze the existential origins of mediation through transcendental needs of individuals for the good. With the help of this, the author: elaborates on the quintessence of the positivist concept of the legal nature of mediation as an institution of court mediation; investigates into the foundations of the human-centered concept of the legal nature of mediation; and provides substantiation for the key assessment points and the conclusions of the study.

Under the anthroposociocultural approach to cognition, mediation has a dual legal nature. It stems from the existential features attributable to man and the existential arrangement of the human world. This a priori refers mediation as a value to innate and inalienable human rights. Being a product of the fundamental (need-based) way of coexistence of individuals in society and, at the same time, a system of their interrelated legal obligations which contribute to ensuring a reconciled social environment, mediationis also a public good, and thus it must be guaranteed by each State. Therefore, mediation is a mutual legal self-defense of individuals. At the moment, from the perspective of introducing mediation into everyday practice in the member States of the European Union, public - private partnership of an institutional type has proved to be the most effective legal model of cooperation of the State and civil society.

 In the positivist tradition of legal knowledge, mediation is regarded as one of the auxiliary means for improving of State justice.


Keywords mediation; mandatory court mediation; human right to mediation; positivist concept of the legal nature of mediation; human-centered concept of the legal nature of mediation


Authored books

1. Alexander N, Global trends in mediation (Kluwer Law International 2006) (in English).

2. Alexy R, Begriff und Geltung des Rechts (Verlag Karl Alber Freiburg 2005) (in German).

3. Barrash D, The Whisperings Within (Harper and Row 1979) (in English).

4. Baruch B R A and Folger J P, The promise of mediation: The transformative approach to conflict (John Wiley & Sons 2004) (in English).

5. Boulle L and Nesic M, Mediation: principles, process, practice (Butterworths 2001) (in English). 6. Buchanan J M, The Limits of Liberty: Between Anarchy and Leviathan (University of Chicago Press 1975) (in English).

7. Menkel-Meadow C J and Porter-Love L, Mediation: Practice, policy, and ethics (2nd ed, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2014) (in English).

8. Michel H, Phenomenologie materielk (Presses Universitaires de France 1990) (in French).

9. Simmonds N E, Philosophy of Law “The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy” (1996) (in English).

10. Winkle J V, Mediation: A Path back for the Lost Lawyer (American Bar Association 2004) (in English).

11. Baumaiter A, Toma Akvinskyi: vstup do myslennia. Boh, buttia i piznannia [Thomas Aquinas: An Introduction to Thinking. God, Being and Knowledge] (Dukh i Litera 2012) (in Ukrainian).

12. Kant I, Sochinenija na nemeckom i russkom jazykah [Works in German and Russian], t 3 (Kami 1997) (in Russian).

13. Rench T, Konstytutsiia moralnosti. Transtsendentalna antropolohiia i praktychna filosofiia [The Constitution of Morality. Transcendental Anthropology and Practical Philosophy] (Prykhodko V per, Dukh i Litera 2010) (in Ukrainian).


Edited and translated books

14. Coyne J, Chomu evoliutsiia pravdyva [Why Evolution is True] (per z anhl, Nash format 2015) (in Ukrainian).

15. Havryliuk R, ‘Pravo na mediatsiiu’ [‘Right on Mediation’] v Krestovska N ta Romanadze L (red), Mediatsiia u profesiinii diialnosti yurysta [Mediation in the Professional Activity of a Lawyer] (Ekolohiia 2019) (in Ukrainian).

16. Hayek F A, Pagubnaja samonadejannost’: oshibki socializma [The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism] (per z anhl, U Bartli III red, Novosti 1992) (in Russian).

17. Ryan K ta Jetha K, Svitanok seksu [Sex at Dawn] (Tempora 2012) (in Ukrainian).

18. Smith A, Issledovanie o prirode i prichinah bogatstva narodov [An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations] (Afanas’ev V per, Jeksmo 2007) (in Russian).


Journal articles

19. Alchian AA, ‘Uncertainty, Evolution and Economic Theory’ (1950) 58 Journal of Political Economy 211 (in English).

20. Alexander N, ‘The mediation metamodel: Understanding practice’ [2008] 26 (1) Conflict Resolution Quarterly 97 (in English).

21. Brunner K and Meckling H W, ‘The Perception of Man and the Conception of Government’ [1977] 9 (1) Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 70 (in English).

22. Brunner K and Meltzer A H, ‘The Uses of Money: Money in the Theory of an Exchange’ [1971] 61 (5) American Economic Review 784 (in English).

 23. Brunner K, ‘The Perception of Man and the Conception of Society: Two Approaches to Understanding Society’ (1987) 25 Economic Inquiry 372 (in English).

24. Fuller L L, ‘Mediation – its forms and functions’ [1970] 44 (2) Southern California Law Review 305 (in English).

25. Lindenberg S, ‘An Assessment of the New Political Economy: Its Potential for the Social Sciences and for Sociology in Particular’ [1985] 3 (1) Sociological Theory 102 (in English).

 26. Meckling W H, ‘Values and the Choice of the Model of the Individual in the Social Sciences (REMM)’ (1976) 4 Schweizerische Zeitschriftfur Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 545 (in English).

27. Menkel-Meadow C J, ‘The Many Ways of Mediation: The Transformation of Traditions, Ideologies, Paradigms, and Practices’ (1995) 11 Negotiation Journal 217 (in English).

28. Menkel-Meadow C J, ‘The trouble with the adversary system in a postmodern, multicultural world’ (1996) 38 William & Mary Law Review 5 (in English).

29. Milner N, ‘Mediation and political theory: A critique of Bush and Folger’ [1996] 21 (3) Law & Social Inquiry 737 (in English).

30. Havryliuk R, ‘Zumovlenist pravovoi pryrody mediatsii buttievym ustroiem liudskoho svitu’ [‘The Conditionality of the Legal Nature of Mediation in the Human Being’] (2018) 5 Pravo Ukrainy 181 (in Ukrainian).

31. Havryliuk R, ’Pravova pryroda mediatsii yak vyslid buttievykh vlastyvostei liudyny’ [‘The Legal Nature of Mediation as an Expression of Human Existence’] (2018) 3 Pravo Ukrainy 128 (in Ukrainian).

32. Kyselova T, ’Pravove rehuliuvannia vidnosyn iz nadannia posluh mediatsii u zarubizhnykh krainakh’ [‘Legal Regulation of Relations on Provision of Mediation Services in Foreign Countries’] (2011) 11–12 Pravo Ukrainy 225 (in Ukrainian).

33. Vozniuk N, ‘Pryntsypy alternatyvnykh sposobiv vyrishennia hospodarsko-pravovykh sporiv’ [‘Principles of Alternative Ways of Resolving Commercial Disputes’] (2013) 11 Pravo Ukrainy 373 (in Ukrainian).

34. Yeromenko H ta Kombikova A, ‘Pro proekt zakonu “Pro mediatsiiu” v Ukraini’ [‘About the Draft Law “On Mediation” in Ukraine’] (2011) 11–12 Pravo Ukrainy 217 (in Ukrainian).


 Conference papers

35. Havryliuk R, ‘Mediatsiia yak zasib zakhystu prav liudyny versus pravo na mediatsiiu yak bezposerednie liudske pravo’ [‘Mediation as a Mean of Protecting Human Rights Versus the Right to Mediation as a Direct Human Right’] v Prava liudyny ta publichne vriaduvannia. Zbirnyk materialiv vseukrainskoho forumu [Human Rights and Public Governance] (Kovbas I uklad, 2018) (in Ukrainian).

36. Diurih H, ‘Vytiahy iz Arkhivu publichnoho prava / Archiv des öffentlichen Rechtsn (F. Band 42, 1956) 117–157’ [‘Extracts from the Public law Archive’] v Materialy mizhnarodnoho naukovopraktychnoho seminaru “Liudska hidnist u pravi Nimechchyny, Polshchi ta Ukrainy” [Materials of the International Scientific Seminar “Human Dignity in the Law of Germany, Poland and Ukraine”] (2016) (in Ukrainian).


Thesis abstracts

37. Mazaraki N, ‘Teoretyko-pravovi zasady zaprovadzhennia mediatsii v Ukraini’ [‘Theoretical and Legal Principles of Mediation in Ukraine’] (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2019) (in Ukrainian).


Newspaper articles

38. Konovalenko D, ‘Sudova mediatsiia – challenge dlia Ukrainy’ [‘Judicial Mediation – Challenge for Ukraine’] (Yurydychna hazeta online, 26.10.2017) <https://yur-gazeta. com/publications/practice/mizhnarodniy-arbitrazh-ta-adr/sudova-mediaciya-challenge-dlya-ukrayini.html> (accessed: 01.04.2020) (in Ukrainian).


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