Article | The Genesis of Economic Crime Development in Poland |
Authors |
Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Doctor Habilitated, Teacher at the Police Academy in Shchytno (Szczytno, Republic of Poland) ORCID ID:
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: -6709-2018
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2020 |
Pages | 246 - 260 |
Annotation | The problem of economic crime is transnational, and almost all states worldwide are combating it. In this regard, new ways to overcome economic crime in Ukraine may be searched for not only based on national experience, but also drawing upon the best practices of our closest neighbors. Poland is one of the countries where economic crime problems are also particularly relevant. At the same time, Polish scientific schools have significant accomplishments in the area of criminology, and thus it is of immediate interest to study economic crime in the Republic of Poland and the experience of Polish colleagues in combating this phenomenon and, on this basis, to develop proposals regarding the prospects of combating economic crime in Ukraine. The article aims at achieving a comprehensive understanding of the genesis of economic crime development in the Republic of Poland, and also focuses on highlighting positive experience of Polish criminologists in combating economic crime and, on this basis, aims at developing recommendations for their implementation in Ukraine. It is noted that in the market economy environment, economic crime in Poland has undergone significant transformation, and today there is a wide range of new forms of crime, with the mechanisms of illegal activities being transformed on an ongoing basis. The political, economic, and social consequences of crime are far greater than we could have expected in a centrally planned economy. Crime rates are changed not only due to changes in the real scale of crime, but also as a result of new criminal legislation, readiness of citizens to report crimes to the police, and readiness of the police to record crime reports, and so on. The authors conclude that in fact Ukraine and Poland face similar problems with regard to combating economic crime. Transnational economic crime is particularly dangerous, since the borders existing today do little to deter the expansion of modern crime, and this makes crime one of the main threats to social and economic stability of the continent. In this regard, it is important for Ukraine not only to draw upon the experience of the Republic of Poland in combating economic crime, but also to actively cooperate as neighboring States. There may be the following areas of such cooperation in combating economic crime: enhancement of efficiency of border and customs authorities, prompt mutual legal assistance in criminal cases, harmonization of Ukrainian and Polish legislation in the area of investigation of economic crimes and liability for their commission.
Keywords | economic crime; organized crime; Republic of Poland; combating crime |
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