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Article Generalization of Historical Periods of Establishment and Development of the Integrated Border Management System in Ukraine

Candidate of Public Administration, First Deputy of the Head of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2020
Pages 260 - 274

To ensure the efficient State border management system in the context of implementation of the State policy for integrated border management, an in-depth cognition and understanding of variable states of the State border security objects and the subjects of integrated border management is needed.

The purpose of the article is to generalize the historical periods during which the integrated border management system has been formed and developed in Ukraine.

The article shows the main stages through which in Ukraine the border policy was developed and the European mechanisms for integrated border management were introduced. Besides, main concerns and areas of action with regard to border security enhancement have been outlined. Determining the stages of border policy development, national experience on the following issues is taken into account: improvement of the legislative and regulatory framework of Ukraine relating to the State borders; implementation of the European mechanisms for integrated border management; exercise by the border authority of law enforcement powers; introduction of criminal analysis and risk analysis. The author emphasizes that introduction of the integrated border management mechanisms stems from the need to find a compromise between enhancement of the freedom of movement of persons across the State border, transportation of goods and ensuring of adequate counteraction to cross-border crime. The author mentions main scientific categories used in the theory of integrated border management. In particular: mechanisms for integrated border management; border policy principles; grounds, powers and activity methods of its subjects; objects of integrated border management; methods and tools of integrated border management; functions of integrated border management; the State border protection model and its basic components; the system of indices and indicators of the effectiveness of border policy implementation; systems of quality improvement of border management and social responsibility. The author notes that the following remains insufficiently investigated: methodology of integrated border management; mechanisms and tools for border policy implementation; the State border protection model and its basic components; border management procedures and technologies; the system of indices and indicators of the effectiveness of border policy implementation. Attention is focused on the need to improve: allocation of tasks and functions among border security subjects; bringing the tasks and functions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in line with its mission; implementation, within the border management framework, of recommendations of international standards for continuous improvement of the quality of operation and social responsibility of organizations.

Based on the historical analysis of the prerequisites for forming and developing of the integrated border management system in Ukraine, six historical periods are identified which differed from each other significantly by the principles according to which the State border protection was organized, and the content of each of these periods is described.


Keywords law enforcement activities; integrated border management; border management; border policy; mechanisms of State administration; border security; stages of border policy development


Authored books

1. Krestovskij L, Pogranichnyj nadzor. Rukovodstvo dlja starshih na postah. Uchebnik dlja brigadnyh uchebnyh komand Pogranichnoj strazhi [Border Surveillance. Guide for Senior Positions. Textbook for Brigade Training Teams of the Border Guards] (Tipografija I N Skorohodova 1889) (in Russian). 2. Lytvyn M, Intehrovane upravlinnia kordonamy: pidruchnyk [Integrated Border Management: Textbook] (NADPSU 2012) (in Ukrainian).

3. Malynovskyi V, Derzhavne upravlinnia: navchalnyi posibnyk [Public Administration: Study Guide] (Atika 2008) (in Ukrainian).

4. Odintsova H ta inshi, Teoriia ta istoriia derzhavnoho upravlinnia: navchalnyi posibnyk [Theory and History of Public Administration: Study Guide] (Profesional 2008) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

5. Khrust D ta Kukin I, Osnovy intehrovanoho upravlinnia kordonamy: аlbom skhem [Fundamentals of Integrated Border Management: Album of Charts] (Lytvyn M red, NADPSU 2013) (in Ukrainian). Journal articles 6. Kukin I, ‘Istorychnyi dosvid pravovoho rehuliuvannia u sferi funktsionuvannia mistsevykh punktiv propusku’ [‘Historical Experience of Legal Regulation in Respect of Local Checkpoints Functioning’] (2012) 2 Derzhava ta rehiony 196 (in Ukrainian).

7. Kukin I, ‘Pam’iatnyk podviinoho pryznachennia’ [‘A Dual Purpose Monument’] (2013) 22 Prykordonnyk Ukrainy 12 (in Ukrainian).

8. Kukin I, ‘Udoskonalennia protsesiv upravlinnia u sferi prykordonnoi bezpeky Ukrainy’ [‘Improvement of the Management Processes in Border Security of Ukraine’] (2012) 17Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid 82 (in Ukrainian).

9. Kukin I, ‘Vid kordu do kordonu’ [‘From Border to Border’] (2011) 30 Prykordonnyk Ukrainy 15 (in Ukrainian).

10. Mykhailova Yu, ‘Rol ta mistse Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby u systemi sub’iektiv zabezpechennia natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy’ [‘Role and Place of the State Border Guard Service in the System of National Security Subjects of Ukraine’] (2017) 4 Forum prava 157 (in Ukrainian).

11. Shysholin P, ‘Poniattia i sutnist prykordonnoi diialnosti, yii mistse ta rol u systemi natsionalnoi bezpeky’ [‘The Concept and Essence of Border Guard Activity, its Place and Role in the National Security System’] (2014) 3 Nauka i oborona 15 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

12. Burkkholder U, ‘Vitalne slovo’ [‘Welcoming Speech’] v Mizhnarodna naukovopraktychna konferentsiia Intehrovane upravlinnia kordonom: teoriia ta praktyka [International Scientific and Practical Conference Integrated Border Management: Theory and Practice] (NADPSU 2013) 3 (in Ukrainian).

13. Shamu I, ‘Integrirovannoe upravlenie granicami’ [‘Integrated Border Management’] v Іntegrovane upravlіnnja kordonami. Teorіja і praktika: Mіzhnarodna naukovopraktichna konferencіja [Integrated Border Management. Theory and Practice: International Scientific and Practical Conference] (NADPSU 2013) 9–11 (in Russian).

14. Yermolenko O ta Severynov O, ‘Zbalansovanist interesiv hromadianyna i derzhavy v konteksti natsionalnoi bezpeky’ [‘The Balance of Interests of a Citizen and the State in the Context of National Security’] v Istoriia, suchasnist ta perspektyvy rozvytku Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy ta okhorony derzhavnoho kordonu: tezy Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. [History, Present Situation and Development Prospects of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and State Border Protection: Theses of International Scientific and Practical Conference] (NADPSU 2015) 100 (in Ukrainian).



15. ‘Guidelines for Integrated Border Management in European Commission External Cooperation’ (European Commission) < download?token=3lOSGDjf> (accessed: 22.06.2020) (in English).

16. ‘Guidelines for Integrated Border Management in the Western Balkans. Updated Version. January 2007 < Guidelines%20for%20Integrated%20Border%20Management%20in%20the%20 Western%20Balkans%202007.pdf> (accessed: 22.06.2020) (in English).

17. ‘Informatsiina dovidka do 100-richchia z Dnia stvorennia okremoho korpusu kordonnoi okhorony, poperednyka Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy’ [‘Information Note to the 100th Anniversary of Establishment of the Separate Corps of Border Guards, the Predecessor of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine’] (Sait Ukrainskoho instytutu natsionalnoi pam’iati) <> (accessed: 22.06.2020) (in Ukrainian).


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