Article | Transformation of the System of Economic Procedure Law Sources |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Mariupol, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Mariupol, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2020 |
Pages | 32 - 43 |
Annotation | In the context of the dynamics of the State law processes which have occurred in Ukraine recently, as well as given the newly adopted procedural codes with effect fromDecember 15, 2017, including the Economic Procedure Code of Ukraine, a well-grounded need arises to address the key theoretical and applied issue of economic procedure law – the system of sources. The judicial reform in Ukraine requires a revision of the established and traditional concepts of procedural science regarding the system of sources of economic procedure law as its branch-forming component. Efficient justice, attainment of a fair trial and proper protection of violated, unrecognized or disputed rights and legitimate interests of economic activity entities, individuals, and the State in economic court procedure is possible only provided that there is an accomplished and understandable (including in terms of law application) system of sources of economic procedure law. The article aims at determining the factors having an effect on the transformation of sources of economic procedure law, and also at demonstrating the current state of the system of economic procedure law sources and at determining the principle of application and interaction of its components. The authors suggest that the system of economic procedure law sources should include not only regulatory legal acts and international treaties which are the main (traditional) sources, but also non-traditional (quasi-) sources (economic contracts, interpretation precedents, legal customs, principles of law) which arise as a result of law application activities and are complementary instruments capable of having a significant impact on streamlining of such an issue as resolution of an economic dispute in courts of economic jurisdiction. The article provides the definition of the subsidiarity principle which underlies the application and interaction of traditional and non-traditional (quasi-traditional) sources of economic procedure law. The author outlines the main factors influencing the transformation of the systemof economic procedure law: evolution of the subject matter of economic procedure law, i.e., narrowing or expansion of the list and nature of economic disputes and other legal issues; changes in the national legal system, including those stemming from convergence of atypical (for the Romano-Germanic legal family) procedural elements (institutions, mechanisms, legal remedies for rights and interests); changes in the regime of the national judicial system under the influence of political regime, historical development of society and the State, specifics of legal system, legal culture of the population etc.; enhancement of entering into the international legal space which leads to the expansion and recognition of competence of international judicial institutions, in particular, the European Court of Human Rights; shift of the emphasis from the formal approach to resolution of economic disputes to the natural basis of their settlement (customary law, rules of business practices, and the rule of law) . The authors emphasize that knowledge of the system of economic procedure law sources is crucial for law application and law-making activities, and also that such an issue as the content of the system of sources and interaction of its components calls for constant attention on the part of the scientific community.
Keywords | sources; economic procedure law; system; judicial precedent; economic contract; economic jurisdiction; economic court procedure |
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