Article | Issues Pertaining to Normative Definition of Economic Disputes |
Authors |
PhD, lecturer at the Department of Economic Law and Procedure Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2020 |
Pages | 57 - 65 |
Annotation | Economic disputes are an objective phenomenon; however, the views of lawyers and economists on these issues are not just different, but radically diverging. The relevance of the issues pertaining to normative definition of economic disputes stems from the expected update of economic legislation which should also become a new impetus for the development of procedural legislation. The purpose of the article is to study the issues pertaining to normative definition of economic disputes, and also to formulate proposals for overcoming these problems. Introducing the definition of “an error” in respect of the Commercial Code of Ukraine, which can only be corrected by its cancellation, is nothing more than another and unrealizable promise to settle all of the problems existing today. Implementation of the initiative to update economic legislation will not pass by commercial procedure legislation, which has already been reformed recently. There is still an open question whether the existing commercial procedure form may be used to resolve disputes relating to economic activity. If the emphasis is indeed shifted from legal regulation of commercial relations to legal regulation of economic relations, then the existing approaches to resolution of commercial disputes will seem at least outdated from the perspective ofresolution of economic disputes. Disputes, especially in the sense of a legal conflict, may not be considered an economic category. Therefore, a dispute in the economy domain may be considered not through the lens of a conflict, but through the lens of an error, a failure, or inability of the market to perform its functions. An economic dispute is a much broader concept than a commercial dispute and, therefore, a mere renaming of all commercial disputes into economic disputes appears to be wrong and short-sighted. The author suggests that the term “economic law dispute” should be introduced into procedural legislation in the meaning of a dispute related to economic activity. The definition of the economic activity concept is seen from the perspective of the future Economic Code of Ukraine as a certain result achieved following implementation of a relevant activity (both for the market and for its entities). The author emphasizes the need to develop economic thinking in everyone involved in court settlement of economic disputes.
Keywords | economic dispute; economic law dispute; commercial dispute; Economic Code of Ukraine |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Krugman P and Wells R, Economics (3rd edn, Worth Publishers 2012) (in English). 2. Bryntsev O, Pravova sutnist ekonomichnykh sporiv ta sposoby yikh vyrishennia [The Legal Essence of Economic Disputes and Ways to Resolve Them] (Pravo 2005) (in Ukrainian). 3. Odincova M, Jekonomika prava: uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov [Economics of Law: Textbook for High Schools] (2nd edn, Jurajt 2020) (in Russian). 4. Prytyka D, Pravovi zasady orhanizatsii i diialnosti orhaniv hospodarskoi yurysdyktsii ta shliakhy yikh udoskonalennia [Legal Ambush of Organizations and Authorities of the State Jurisdiction and that Way] (In Yure 2003) (in Ukrainian). 5. Shcherbyna V, Vybrane. Zbirka statei [Selected. Collection of Articles] (Lira-K 2015) (in Ukrainian).
Dictionaries 6. Dictionnaire général et raisonné de législation, de doctrine et de jurisprudence en matière civile, commerciale, criminelle, administrative et de droit public: période de 1790 à 1835 (Partie Supplémentaire: periode de 1834 à 1842), t 5 (Bureau de la Jurisprudence Générale 1841) (in French).
Journal articles 7. Talykin Ye, ‘Formuvannia poniattia hospodarskoho sporu v konteksti nalezhnoi hospodarskoi yurysdyktsii’ [‘Formation of the Concept of Economic Dispute in the Context of Proper Economic Jurisdiction’] (2014) 1 Forum prava (in Ukrainian). 8. Yushchyk O and Iliuchenko V ‘Hospodarskyi kodeks Ukrainy: realnist chy vydymist?’ [‘Economic Code of Ukraine: Reality or Visibility?’] (2005) 9 Viche (in Ukrainian).
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Websites 16. ‘V Min’iusti prezentuvaly initsiatyvu skasuvannia Hospodarskoho kodeksu’ [‘The Ministry of Justice Presented an Initiative to Repeal the Economic Code’] ˂˃ (accessed: 15.06.2020) (in Ukrainian).
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