Article | Current Issues of the Notary of Ukraine and Their Doctrinal Solutions |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Honorary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Lublin Branch), Professor of the Department of Notary, Enforcement Process and the bar, the prosecutor's office, the judiciary of the Institute of Law Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: http // / 0000-0002-3023-5287
Candidate of legal sciences, Professor, professor department of international private, commercial and civil law Kyiv national trade and economic university (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: http// Researcher ID: |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2020 |
Pages | 20 - 42 |
Annotation | Given the current moment, when our state is in an unstable economic and political situation, many researchers express their hypotheses about the need to reform the legal system of Ukraine, in accordance with its perception of the role and importance of a public authority. All the governments that came to power during the years of Ukraine’s independence differed in that they tried to reform the legal system of the state, but we can now judge for ourselves how successful they were... Thus, the authors objectively understand the role played by one or another body in the Ukrainian state and public relations. In particular, the article deals with notary of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to consider the trends of reforming the notary in scientific, organizational, and other aspects. It is not difficult to explain the purpose of such an analysis of notary of Ukraine by a clear example. Thus, instead of deepening the notarial function, notaries are more and more endowed with functions that are not inherent in them, based on the essence of the notary as a body of undisputed jurisdiction, gradual steps are taken and further new proposals are made to expand their powers. But what will this lead to if notaries are given more and more powers? The rather simple question remains unresolved: “Who, then, should perform notarial acts qualitatively?”. Therefore, the study aims to analyze trends in notary reform in Ukraine. This article is not about the usual standards of teaching scientific and theoretical concepts of scientists in the field of notaries, but about the current state of the legal system of Ukraine and the place of notaries in it as a body of undisputed jurisdiction, which is very important for proper protection of individuals and legal entities, both in Ukraine and abroad. This analysis gives a new impetus to further, in-depth study of practical aspects of notarial activities in order to rethink it and further develop doctrinal provisions that will be the basis for predicting the future of notary of Ukraine and improving both organization and procedural activities of notaries. In conclusion, the authors hope that the notary will be an effective mechanism for protecting the rights of individuals and legal entities, but by expanding the powers of notaries in this area, and not by giving them new and new functions not inherent in notarial activities. The authors argue that it is science that should make predictions about the development of notaries and proposals for their implementation in the legislation on notaries to improve the protection and defense of human rights. The authors believe that Ukraine must overcome the economic and legal crisis, which should be perceived as the root causes of problems in the notary, then the notaries of Ukraine should face completely different tasks: to protect and defend the rights of individuals and legal entities through highly professional activities. |
Keywords | notary; notarial process; theory of notarial process; reforms; notary functions; protection and defense of the rights of individuals and legal entities |
References | Bibliography
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