Article | Theoretical Problems of Validity of Notarial Deed in the Doctrine of Notarial Process in Ukraine |
Authors |
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Notarial and Executive Process and Advocacy Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2020 |
Pages | 170 - 182 |
Annotation | Nevertheless of the fact of the conceptual apparatus of the science of the notaries process is already largely formed, some scientific provisions remain outside the proper attention of scholars. These can be considered the theoretical provisions on the notary’s deed and it’s a validity. Today, domestic science has not developed common approaches to understanding certain provisions of the validity of notary’s deeds, but also has not proposed appropriate definitions of these concepts, which would be the subject of further scientific discussions. The purpose of the article is to generalize the legal problems that exist in the legal doctrine of the notary’s process of Ukraine in relation to the validity of a notary’s deed, to develop a holistic view of the validity of a notaries act as a category of notaries process. The available vision if the further solution is existing problems in science. It is established that the domestic doctrine of the notary’s process does not provide a definition of “validity”, “probative force” and “executive force” of a notaries deed. The validity of a notaries deed in science is considered through its manifestations – probative and executive force. This understanding of the validity seems limited. The validity of a notary’s deed as a kind of legal act is also characterized by its limits andis not permanent. The study of the scope of validity of notary’s deeds depending on the dynamics of the legal relationship looks promising. The author concludes that the validity of a notary’s deed should be understood as the property of a notaries deed to act, its legal significance in legal relations, the ability to generate legal consequences in the form of emergence, change and termination of legal relations, and the place of a notaries deed in other legal acts. The proposal to legislate the provision on the impossibility of contesting notarized transactions or documents by witness testimony should be implemented in the legislation together with the improvement of the procedure for recording notary’s acts. In connection with the independent delineation of the procedures for registration of rights and facts in specially created registers, it seems appropriate to distinguish the independent manifestation of the validity of a notaries deed – its registration force. |
Keywords | notaries deed; validity of a notaries deed; probative force of a notaries deed; executive force of a notaries deed; registration force of a notaries deed; limits of validity of the notaries deed |
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