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Article Procedural and Legal Features of the Use of Electronic Evidence Obtained from Social Networks in Civil Procedure

PhD in Law,  associate professor of the department of the civil procedure National university ‘Odessa law academy’ (Odessa, Ukraine) ORCID ID:

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2020
Pages 214 - 230

Every day citizens spend much of their time on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, Myspace, etc. In addition to a convenient platform for virtual communication, due to the ability of social networks to bring information to a large audience, social networks are becoming a full-fledged tool for business.

 Despite the large number of scientific researches in the field of electronic evidence in civil procedure, it should be noted that the legal literature has not yet covered the specifics of electronic evidence obtained from social networks.

 In the context of mass use of social networks, the issue of clear legal regulation of evidence obtained from social networks becomes extremely important. In particular, the current civil procedure legislation of Ukraine does not sufficiently regulate the issues of submission and research of electronic evidence obtained from social networks, as the current norms do not take into account the procedural and legal features of relevant evidences.

The purpose of the scientific article is research and streamline the features of electronic evidence obtained from social networks and analysis of the court practice in the use of relevant evidence in civil proceedings.

The analysis allows us to state that the legal regulation of electronic evidence in civil procedure of Ukraine needs to be improved considering the procedural and legal features of the relevant evidence. According to the results of the research, it is established that the procedural and legal features of electronic evidence obtained from social networks are the difficulty of ensuring the process of identifying the person who created or disseminated certain information on the social network; the ability to change the username of the page on the social network; the difficulty of impartial assessment in determining whether negative information disseminated through social networks is a factual statement or evaluative judgment; the ability to delete each individual message by a person in a social network ormessenger; the ability to change and delete information in the original electronic evidence.

Keywords electronic evidence; social networks; civil proceedings; proof; evidence


Authored books

1. Shtefan A, Vchennia pro mekhanizm dokazuvannia u tsyvilnomu sudochynstvi (Interservis 2018) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

2. Browning J, ‘Digging for the Digital Dirt: Discovery and Use of Evidence from Social Media Sites’ (2011) 14 SMU Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 465 (in English).

3. Danko Yu, ‘Sotsialni merezhi yak forma suchasnoi komunikatsii: pliusy i minusy’ (2012) Suchasne suspilstvo, politychni nauky, sotsiolohichni nauky, kulturolohichni nauky 181 (in Ukrainian).

4. Halich T, ‘Sotsialni Internet-merezhi ta virtualizatsiia suspilnoho zhyttia’ (2010) 1 Sotsiolohiia maibutnoho: naukovyi zhurnal z problem sotsiolohii molodi ta studentstva 146 (in Ukrainian).

5. Nimko O ta Dermanska O, ‘Publikatsiia v sotsialnii merezhi, skrinshot ta elektronne lystuvannia yak dokazy dlia zakhystu prav u administratyvnomu sudochynstvi’ (2018) 2 Chasopys Kyivskoho universytetu prava 119 (in Ukrainian).

6. Ohnev’iuk H, ‘Osoblyvosti vykorystannia ob’iektiv intelektualnoi vlasnosti v sotsialnykh merezhakh’ [2016] 7 (245) Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo 21–2 (in Ukrainian).

7. Shtefan A, ‘Elektronni dokazy: oznaky ta osoblyvosti vykorystannia’ (2019) 6 Teoriia i praktyka intelektualnoi vlasnosti 74 (in Ukrainian).

8. Shtefan A, ‘Veb-sait i veb-storinka yak dokazy u tsyvilnomu sudochynstvi’ (2017) 4 Sudova apeliatsiia 83 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

9. Shtefan A, ‘Tekstovi, multymediini ta holosovi povidomlennia yak dokazy u tsyvilnomu sudochynstvi’ v Vplyv intehratsiinykh tendentsii na rozvytok natsionalnoho prava: materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi internet-konferentsii (Makovii V ta Zaitsev O zah red, ODUVS 2018) (in Ukrainian).



10. Pavlova Yu, ‘Elektronnyi dokument yak dzherelo dokaziv u tsyvilnomu protsesi’ (dyc kand yuryd nauk, 2019) (in Ukrainian).



11. ‘Facebook Terms and Policies’ (Facebook) <> (accessed: 28.08.2020) (in English).

12. ‘Polityka vykorystannia danykh’ (Facebook) < privacy> (data zvernennia: 28.08.2020) (in Ukrainian).

13. ‘Ukraintsi nazvaly naipopuliarnishi sotsialni merezhi’ (RBK-Ukraina, 26.02.2020) <> (accessed: 28.08.2020) (in Ukrainian).

14. ‘Umovy nadannia posluh’ (Facebook) < update> (accessed: 28.08.2020) (in Ukrainian).

15. Fartushna D, ‘Zakhyst informatsii v sotsialnykh merezhakh: tsyvilno-pravovyi aspekt’ < %20%20.pdf?sequence=1> (accessed: 28.08.2020) (in Ukrainian).

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