Article | The Exercise of Protection and Defence of Civil Rights and Interests in Notarial Procedure |
Authors |
Master of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2020 |
Pages | 285 - 294 |
Annotation | In modern legal doctrine, there is a continued discussion regarding the protection and defence of rights and interests by notaries. Scientists continue to put forward scientific approaches to this issue, and overall it should be noted that it stays open for discussion in the scientific field, since it requires specification and development of a regulatory framework that would help resolve legal contradictions and gaps, thus promote the making of a more comprehensive scientific rationale of this issue. This article examines the issue of the protection and defence of legal rights and interest, specifically, by notaries. Also, the article analysed theoretical approaches to the concepts of “protection” and “defence” of civil rights and legal interests, as well as defined their philological interpretation. In addition, we conducted a study on the notarial problems of implementation of protection and defence of civil rights and interests of a person. The necessity of consideration of the institute of notary as one of the forms of jurisdictional protection of rights and legal interests of individuals is substantiated. The article also lists the ways of protection that changes the stereotypes concerning the notarial protection, which follows from the summary of Art. 18 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, where it must be strict to implement executive inscriptions on debt documents. The above circumstances prove the existence of the need to amend the legislation. The purpose of the article is to highlight the issues of implementation of notarial protection and defence of rights, substantiation of the availability of bigger opportunities in the protection of individuals’ rights by a notary and the need for their legislative regulation. Ensuring the right to defence is an important course of action of the state, which directly correlates with a high degree of trust by the citizens in their nation, consequently with economic growth, which can occur only when public is confident in guaranteeing the rights it holds. The notary is able to provide society with alternative ways to eliminate violations of rights along with the existing ones. The development of this institution in perspective creates conditions for the further construction of the rule of law with an effective civil society. |
Keywords | notary; defence of civil rights and interests; protection of civil rights and interests; form of protection; remedy; jurisdictional protection |
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