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Article Procedural Implementation of Guarantees of Ukraine’s Security and Protection of its Interests

Doctor of Law, Professor, chief researcher Department of International Tax Competition Research Research Institute of Fiscal Policy University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (Irpen, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Doctor of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of International Relations, International Information and Security V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2021
Pages 229 - 245

Recourse to peaceful means of resolving an international dispute is the only possible and logical way of resolving international disputes. Peaceful settlement is a key component of security, the formation of a system of international relations based on the exclusion of force, mutual understanding, cooperation and trust between the subjects of international law.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of procedural implementation of security guarantees of Ukraine and protection of its interests, to identify ways to minimize the negative consequences of improper representation of the state in international courts.

International litigation does not fully guarantee the protection of the interests of the state and the implementation of the relevant decision of an international court in favor of the state: the formation of the legal position of international courts may be influenced by political and economic components of international relations in the light of geopolitical interests of some states and their unions, which affects the nature of decisions. Of course, the execution of international court decisions depends on the goodwill of the state to which the obligations are imposed. But it is a fairly effective mechanism for the legal settlement of international disputes by peaceful means.

Taking into consideration the application of case law by international judicial institutions and the systematic use of treaty norms contra legem, the formation of the legal position must take into account the practice of international courts in similar cases, not based solely on the rules of positive law.

In order to minimize the negative consequences of improper representation of the state in international courts, it is necessary to provide for a mandatory legal and financial independent audit of all cases.

Any draft law for ratification of international treaties which contains an arbitration clause or which directly provides for judicial procedure must be referred, in addition to the relevant Committee on the subject matter, also to the Committee of legal policy and the Committee of national security, defense and intelligence for examination.


Keywords international guarantees; UN International Court of Justice; UN International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; delimitation; continental shelf; exclusive economic zone


Authored books

1. Dixon M, Textbook on International Law (Oxford University Press 2007) (in English).

 2. Kelsen H, Principles of International Law. New York (reprinted, The Lawbook Exchange 2003) (in English).

3. Kononenko V, Vyrishennia terytorialnykh sporiv Mizhnarodnym Sudom OON: teoriia i praktyka (Feniks 2018) (in Ukrainian).

4. Shinkareckaja G, Mezhdunarodnaja sudebnaja procedura (Nauka 1992) (in Russian).


 Edited books

5. Petersmann Ernst-Ulrich and Ortino Federico (eds), The WTO dispute settlement system 1995–2003 (Kluwer Law International 2004) 18 Studies in transnational economic law (in English).



 6. Butkevych V, ‘Harantii mizhnarodno-pravovi’ v Entsyklopediia mizhnarodnoho prava, t 1: A–D (Shemshuchenko Iu ta Denysov V spivholovy redkol, Akadem periodyka 2014) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

7. O’Connell M E, ‘Enforcement and the Success of International Environmental Law’ (1995) 3 Indiana Journal of Global Legal 51 (in English).

8. Spiro P J, ‘Wishing International Law Away’ [2009] 23 (119) Yale L. J. Online <> (accessed: 25.09.2020) (in English).

9. Bielova O, ‘Mizhnarodno-pravovi problemy realizatsii morskoi polityky Ukrainy v pivnichno-zakhidnomu raioni Chornoho moria’ [2007] 1 (30) Zovnishnia torhivlia: pravo ta ekonomika 96 (in Ukrainian).

10. Chajkovskij Ju, ‘Jevoljucija sushhnosti mezhdunarodnogo prava’ (2010) 2 Al’manah mezhdunarodnogo prava 94 (in Russian).

11. Diakov O, ‘Ukraina-Rumuniia: problema delimitatsii kontynentalnoho shelfu ta vykliuchnykh ekonomichnykh zon’ [2007] 4 (5) Stratehichni priorytety 181 (in Ukrainian).

12. Hapantjukovskij A, ‘Verdikt Mezhdunarodnogo Suda OON po razgranicheniju ukrainsko-rumynskogo kontinental’nogo shel’fa. Chast’ 2: itogi i perspektivy’ [2009] 17 (95) Naukovij vіsnik 88–9 (in Russian).

13. Kononenko V, ‘Iakisne vykladannia mizhnarodnoho prava yak zaporuka zakhystu prav liudyny i interesiv derzhavy’ (2013) Ukrainskyi chasopys mizhnarodnoho prava. Spetsvypusk. Problemy vykladannia mizhnarodnoho prava 66 (in Ukrainian).

14. Pivtorak H, ‘Mizhnarodnyi trybunal z morskoho prava yak mekhanizm vrehuliuvannia sporiv shchodo yurysdyktsii derzhavy prapora’ (2017) 4 Chasopys Kyivskoho universytetu prava 271 (in Ukrainian).

15. Tiunov O, ‘Mezhdunarodno-pravovye garantii kak sredstvo obespechenija mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov’ (2011) 4 Zhurnal rossijskogo prava 90–1 (in Russian).

16. Tymchenko L ta Kononenko V, ‘Problemy delimitatsii morskykh prostoriv Ukrainy’ (2012) 1 Mizhnarodne pravo 242 (in Ukrainian).



17. Bielova O, ‘Mizhnarodno-pravovi aspekty derzhavnoi morskoi polityky Ukrainy ta yurydychni problemy yii realizatsii v suchasnykh umovakh’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2008) (in Ukrainian). 18. Bohdan O, ‘Pravovyi rezhym morskykh prostoriv Chornomorsko-Azovskoho baseinu: perspektyvy rozvytku’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2005) (in Ukrainian).

19. Abdrashitova V, ‘Teoretiko-pravovye osnovy ispolnenija reshenij Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka’ (avtoref dis kand jurid nauk, 2008) 28 (in Russian).

20. Valeev R, ‘Kontrol’ v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave’ (avtoref dis d-ra jurid, 1999) 26 (in Russian).

21. Kruglova Ju, ‘Institut kontrolja v mezhdunarodnom morskom prave’ (avtoref dis kand jurid nauk, 2007) 13 (in Russian).

22. Ushakov S, ‘Vklad mnogostoronnih organov mezhdunarodnogo pravosudija v funkcionirovanie instituta mezhdunarodno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti gosudarstv v kontekste mezhdunarodnogo processual’nogo prava’ (dis kand jurid nauk, 2009) 167 (in Russian).


Conference papers

23. Kolesnyk O, ‘Vyrishennia terytorialnykh sporiv mizh Ukrainoiu ta Rumuniieiu’ v Mizhnarodni chytannia, prysviacheni pam’iati profesora Imperatorskoho Novorosiiskoho universytetu P. Ye. Kazanskoho: materialy mizhnarodnoi konferentsii (Feniks 2011) 461 (in Ukrainian).



 24. ‘“Shchob nashi khlopchyky povernulysia”. Zerkal pro perebih spravy shchodo ukrainskykh moriakiv’ (Radio Svoboda, 12.05.2019) <https://www.radiosvoboda. org/a/29936080.html> (accessed: 25.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).

25. ‘V MZS napoliahaiut, shcho Ukraina peremohla’ (Ukrainska pravda, 06.02.2009) <> (accessed: 25.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).

26. ‘Rishennia mizhnarodnoi instantsii nastilky perekonlyve, shcho v Rosii nemaie realnoi vidpovidi’ (TSN. Polityka, 25.05.2019) <> (accessed: 29.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).


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