Article | Transnational Notary Process: Establishment of a New Direction of Notary Science |
Authors |
Candidate of legal sciences, Specialist for consular issues Consulate General of Ukraine in Dusseldorf (Federal Republic Germany) (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 1 / 2021 |
Pages | 246 - 260 |
Annotation | The current state of development of the theory of the notary process can be considered satisfactory, as scientists have done considerable work on the analysis and solution of the problems faced by notaries and other authorized persons to perform notarial acts. Therefore, we consider it appropriate to draw the attention of scholars to little-studied issues related to the conduct of notarial proceedings with a foreign element. In this regard, the article proposes approaches to the formation of such a concept as: “transnational notary process”, the definition of its components and functions. The purpose of the article is to form conceptual approaches to the perception of the essence, content of transnational notary process, its place in the legal system, its significance for science and protection of indisputable rights of subjects of civil relations with foreign elements by performing notarial acts and expressing author’s hypotheses. such a concept as a “foreign element” in the theory of the notary process. At a time when a large number of Ukrainians cross the borders of Ukraine, enter into various relations in foreign countries, as well as in Ukraine, foreign citizens acquire ownership of real estate, it is impossible not to have information about the consequences of their entry, before marriage, in case of death, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to actively collect and systematize information about what features of inheritance will take place in case of death of a citizen of Ukraine abroad, and a foreigner in Ukraine, who and what notarial acts in such or similar cases have the right to perform. Almost every country in the world has its own system of inheritance, which differs from the Ukrainian model, but in Ukraine they remain virtually unexplored. Foreign countries have extensive experience in notaries, which remains as little studied by Ukrainian scholars, but its analysis should show the best ways to improve the organization and activities of Ukrainian notaries, establishing links between notaries of different countries. At the same time, huge amounts of information must be systematized, otherwise they will remain unused. All the above arguments prompted the author to study these issues.
Keywords | consul; notary; foreign element; transnational notary process; powers; inheritance; foreign law; international treaties |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Fursa Ye ta Skok-Koziar L, Okremi pytannia spadkuvannia z inozemnym elementom: konsul, notarius, sud (Alerta 2017) (in Ukrainian). 2. Fursa S ta Fursa Ye, Notariat v Ukraini. Teoriia i praktyka: navchalnyi posibnyk (A.S.K. 2001) (in Ukrainian).
Edited books 3. Fursa Ye, ‘Kompetentsiia posadovykh osib konsulskykh ustanov ta dyplomatychnykh predstavnytstv z vchynennia notarialnykh dii’ v Fursa S (red), Notariat Ukrainy: pidruchnyk, kn 1: Orhanizatsiia notariatu (z praktykumom) (Alerta 2015) (in Ukrainian). 4. Fursa S ta Fursa Ye, ‘Osoby, yaki zvertaiutsia do notariusa z metoiu okhorony ta zakhystu svoi prav ta interesiv (zaiavnyky), yikh protsesualni prava ta obov’iazky’ v Fursa S (red), Teoriia notarialnoho protsesu: naukovo-praktychnyi posibnyk (Alerta, Tsul 2012) (in Ukrainian).
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Conference papers 13. Fursa Ye, ‘Pro vyznannia notarialnoi dii, vchynenoi u dyplomatychnomu predstavnytstvi Ukrainy v Avstrii nediisnoiu, i ne tilky…’ v Zbirnyk materialiv Mizhnarodnoho Sympoziumu “Reformy ukrainskoho zakonodavstva: suchasnyi rozvytok” (DeutschUkrainische Juristenvereinigung 2020) 62–75 (in Ukrainian). 14. Fursa S, ‘Osoblyvosti nadannia notarialnykh posluh inozemnym hromadianam’ v Materialy mizhnarodnoi konferentsii “Shliakhy dyversyfikatsii eksportu Ukrainy na svitovyi rynok posluh” (Instytut mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im T Shevchenka 2002) 149–50 (in Ukrainian).
Newspaper articles 15. Fursa S ta Yevtushenko O, ‘Problemy zastosuvannia norm inozemnoho prava u tsyvilnomu i notarialnomu protsesakh’ Yurydychna hazeta (2004, 1) 3–4 (in Ukrainian).
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