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Article Natural Law Theory: Conceptual and Doctrinal Dimensions
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2021
Pages 43 - 65

The article analyzes the features of the theory of natural law as a fundamental paradigm in the understanding of law, thanks to which it retains its significance throughout the intellectual history of mankind in competition with a very influential opponent – legal positivism. Existing in the diversity of its manifestations – theories of natural law, or even trends, ways of legal thinking, it has a powerful potential for creative change in the legal field through the formulation of ambitious ideals and their practical implementation, maintaining mystery and inspiring its supporters to unravel the mysteries of law and its knowledge.

Based on the theoretical problematization of some ideas about the history and content of natural law and analytical explanations of concepts and constructions of the theory that comprehends it (theory of natural law) in the first part of the article is an attempt to formulate a generalized image of natural law and theories of natural law; special emphasis is made on the growing importance of theories of natural law in periods of reform and social transformation.

The second part reveals the grounds and content of the three “revivals” of theories of natural law that took place during the twentieth century; author stresses on the practical significance of the theory of natural law (as a certain doctrine) in critical assessments of existing positive law, as well as in law-making processes and court decisions, thus refuting judgments about its historical “exhaustion”. The final part outlines the prospects for the application of the provisions of the doctrine of natural law in domestic legal science and legal practice.


Keywords natural law; positive law; natural Law Theory; revival of natural law; practical reason; legal values; critique of positive law



Authored books

1. Dworkin R, Taking Rights Seriously (Harvard University Press 1977) (in English).

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3. Finnis J, Natural Law and Natural Rights (Oxford University Press 1980) (in English).

4. Stammler R, Die Lehre von richtigen Rechte (Guttentag 1902) (in German).

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9. Nersesiants V, Filosofyia prava (Norma 1997) (in Russian).

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Edited and translated books

12. Alexy R, ‘Agreements and Disagreements. Some Introductory Remarks’ in M Escamilla and M Saavedra (eds), Law and Justice in a Global Society (Universidad de Granada 2005) 699-703.

13. Duke G and George R P (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Natural Law Jurisprudence (Cambridge University Press 2017) (in English).

14. Kirste S, ‘Chapter 2 Natural Law in Germany in the 20th Century’ in Pattaro E and Roversi C (eds), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, vol 12: Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World, t 2: Main Orientations and Topics Springer (Springer 2016) (in English).

15. Viola F, ‘Chapter 1 Introduction: Natural Law Theories in the 20th Century’ in Pattaro E and Roversi C (eds), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, vol 12: Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World, t 2: Main Orientations and Topics Springer (Springer 2016) (in English).

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27. Marmor A and Sarch A, ‘The Nature of Law’ in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Edward N. Zalta ed, Fall 2019 Edition) < entries/lawphil-nature> (accessed: 20.12.2020) (in English).


Journal articles

 28. Aarnio A, ‘Khto my? Problemy sotsialnoi, kulturnoi ta pravovoi identychnosti’ (2008– 2009) VI–VII Problemy filosofii prava 22 (in Ukrainian).

29. Alexi R, ‘Dual’naya priroda prava’ (2011) 1 Pravo Ukrainy (in Russian) 45.

30. Kirste St, ‘Transpozytyvni osnovy pozytyvnykh prav liudyny’ (2012) 2 Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava 178 (in Ukrainian).

31. Maksymov S, ‘Pryrodno-pravove myslennia’ [2001] 4 (28) Visnyk Akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 155 (in Ukrainian).

32. Radbrukh H, ‘Zakonne nepravo ta nadzakonne parvo’ (2004) II Problemy filosofii prava 83 (in Ukrainian).

33. Rechytsky V, ‘Chy mozhe isnuvaty v Ukraini ofitsiina konstytutsiina doktryna?’ (2016) 1–2 Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava 282 (in Ukrainian).

34. Tasiulas J, ‘Poriatunok prav liudyny vid prava prav liudyny’ (2020) 1 Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava 198 (in Ukrainian).

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Conference papers

36. Letnianchyn L, ‘Ofitsiina konstytutsiina doktryna Konstytutsii Ukrainy’ in Konstytutsiinyi dyzain: vid makro do mikro rivnia. Zbirka tez naukovykh dopovidei i povidomlen Mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii (Hetman A zah red, Prava liudyny 2020) (in Ukrainian).


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