Article | Contemporary Natural Law and Dynamic Understanding of Law |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Lawyer of the Kharkiv Regional Bar Association (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 1 / 2021 |
Pages | 88 - 101 |
Annotation | The following article is about the main trends of understanding of law in the former Soviet Union. These trends are the so-called “classical” and “non-classical” (“post-classical”) understanding of law, and both find itself in the mutual debates between one another. At the same time non-classical legal philosophy in the former Soviet Union doesn’t take the ideas from the Western thought uncritically, but tries to elaborate its own view to the legal field. The specificity of the named view may be characterized through the concept “dynamic understanding of law”. The similar concept is the common title for the wide range of the doctrines, which were elaborated in the Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia on the edge of the centuries. These are, for example, phenomenological-communicative approach of A. Polyakov, doctrine of the legal dialogue of I. Chestnov, temporal-ontological philosophy of law (A. Stovba), the conception of legal reality (S. Maksymov) and so on. It’s worth to stress, that all the named legal doctrines are independent from one another and original. But at the same time it has common features, which allow us to significate it under the common title “dynamic understanding of law”. The similar features are the next: negative position towards the reification of law, to the attempts to consider law in the frame of subject-object relations, to the representation of law as the static, continual “Ought”, which regulates its object – “Is” – from the “secure” transcendental distance. Instead of this the named legal philosophers propose to consider law as dynamic (discrete and reproduced) in its core phenomenon, which originally has social roots and character. At the same time despite the originality of the similar views to the law, we can find its historical parallels in the national legal discourse as well in the foreign legal philosophy. The conclusion is that the ideas of the dynamic understanding of law are the adequate conceptual approach to the general reasoning of the legal essence.
Keywords | natural law; classic understanding of law; non-classic understanding of law; dynamic understanding of law; legal being; reproduction of law |
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