Article | Introduction to the Hermeneutic Theory of Natural Law |
Authors |
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant Professor of Theory and Philosophy of Law Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University ORCID (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 1 / 2021 |
Pages | 102 - 114 |
Annotation | The article outlines the general perspectives and some areas of application of hermeneutic optics to understand the problem of natural law. The latter is considered as a problem of the ratio of factuality and normativity in the structure of human experience. Hermeneutic comprehension of the natural law problem occurs in three steps. First, the author reconstructs the theory of hermeneutic experience as an experience of understanding oneself, others and the world. Understanding is thought of as a human’s mode of being in the world, which is possible due to hermeneutic openness and the initial recognition of the Other. The second part of the article aims to identify the legal dimension inherent in the structure of hermeneutic experience. It is localized in the constant tension between the mutual recognition, which makes the experience of meaning possible, and the inevitable risk of non-recognition. Finally, the connection between the structure of hermeneutic experience and the legal institutions that confirm mutual public recognition between people is clarified. In particular, the article shows that human dignity is neither an artificial construction that humanity was forced to resort to for self-preservation, nor an empty political declaration. Instead, it is the fundamental importance of other people, due to the peculiarity of our experience as an experience of understanding, possible only in dialogue. Through the discovery of the legal dimension of human experience as an experience of meaning, the author outlines the contours of the hermeneutic theory of natural law as an ontological theory that sees the foundations of law in the ‘nature of things’. Such a theory is an alternative, on the one hand, to the relativism of legal positivism and, on the other, to the dogmatism of deontological theories of natural law.
Keywords | phenomenology; hermeneutics; experience; phronesis; ontological theories of natural law; “nature of things” |
References | Bibliography
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