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Article Formation of the National Doctrine of Administrative Law: History, Current Situation and Prospects
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2021
Pages 60 - 72

The national administrative-legal doctrine is ultimately formed by domestic scholars-administrators, although the influence of the developments of foreign scholars (especially from the countries where the defining administrative-legal ideas and concepts originated) is difficult to deny. At the same time, the doctrine of administrative law differed objectively depending on the state to which the Ukrainian lands belonged in historical retrospect and the corresponding legal system.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the historical and legal preconditions and the main factors that have influenced and continue to influence the formation of the national doctrine of administrative law both in the past and at the present stage. In addition, the task is to outline the main priorities for the development of administrative and legal doctrine, necessary to complete its full development in Ukraine.

 It is established that the change of the value orientation of administrative law from “state-centric”, which dominated in the Soviet period, to “human-centrist”, is supported today by almost all Ukrainian scholars-administrators or, at least, not denied in modern publications. But as of today, the emphasis exclusively on “human-centeredness” and ignoring the common interest, including the interests of the state or territorial communities, has also become a kind of bias, not very correct for the doctrine of administrative law. Unlike civil law, which focuses on the provision of private interests, the purpose of administrative studies since its inception is more complex and involves taking into account both private and public interests and ensuring a balance between them.

The author concludes that while maintaining the priority of “human-centrism”, to fully complete the formation of the national doctrine of national administrative law should pay special attention to the development of public interest and public good. There are also two other important areas of development for administrative and legal research at the present stage: the legal regulation of good administration and administrative discretion (discretionary powers),


Keywords legal doctrine; administrative law; state-centrism; human-centrism; public interest


Authored books

1. Pierce R, Shapiro S, Verkuil P, Administrative Law and Process (Foundation Press 1999) (in English).

2. Kivalov S, Kartuzova I, Osadchyi A, Кurs administratyvnoho protsesualnoho prava Ukrainy, Zahalna chastyna (Feniks 2014) (in Ukrainian).

3. Puhtetska A, Pryntsypy administratyvnoho prava: administratyvno-pravovi ta eurointehratsijni aspekty onovlennia zmistu ta praktyky zastosuvannia (Panov 2016) (in Ukrainian).

4. Radyshevska O. Аdministratyvne pravo Ukrainy v umovakh Europeizatsii (Таlkom 2020) (in Ukrainian).

5. Shkolyk А, Porivnialne administratyvne pravo (ZUKC 2007) (in Ukrainian).

6. Spasibo-Fatieeva І, Tsyvilistyka: na shliakhu formuvannia doktryn: vybrani naukovi pratsi (Zoloti storinky 2012) (in Ukrainian).


Edited and translated books

7. Hauser R, Niiewiadomski Z, Wróbel A (ed), Instutucje prawa administracyjnego (C. H. Beck 2015) (in Polish).

8. Averianov V (red), Аdministratyvne pravo Ukrainy. Akademichnyi kurs. Zahalna chastyna (Yurydychna dumka 2004) (in Ukrainian).

 9. Braibant G, Frantsuzkoye administrativnoye pravo (translated, Progress 1988) (in Russian).

10. Hrytsenko I (red), Administratyvne pravo i process UNR v ekzyli: nevidoma pravnycha spadshchyna (Dakor 2015) (in Ukrainian).

11. Paneiko Y, Nauka administratsii i administratyvnoho prava. Zahalna chastyna (za vykladamy profesora Yuriya Paneika) (Bevzenko V uklad, Dakor 2016) (in Ukrainian).

12. Shmidt-Assman E, Zahalne administratyvne pravo yak ideya vrehuliuvannia: osnovni zasady systematyky administratyvnoho prava (per, K.I.S. 2009) (in Ukrainian)

13. Starosciak J, Pravovye formy administrativnoy dieyatelnosti (translated, Gosyurizdat 1959) (in Russian).

14. Vodel G, Administrativnoye pravo Frantsiyi (per, Progress 1973) (in Russian).


Journal articles

15. Kolomoiets T, Kolpakov V, ‘The concept of the administrative law doctrine’ [2020] 27 (2) Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine 14 (in English).

16. Averianov V, ‘Nova doktryna ukrainskoho administratyvnoho prava: stan i problem’ (2007) 2 Pravnychyi visnyk Universytetu Krok. 48 (in Ukrainian).

17. Boyko І, ‘Doktrynalni idei ta tsili administratyvnoho prava’ (2019) 5 Pravo Ukrainy 13 (in Ukrainian).

18. Melnyk R, ‘Kontseptsia ludynotsentryzmu u suchasniy doktryni administratyvnoho prava’ (2015) 10 Pravo Ukrainy 157 (in Ukrainian).

19. Shkolyk А, ‘Kontseptsia dobroho administruvannia ta yiyi vplyv na administratyvnoprotsedurne zakonodavstvo’ (2018) 66 Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu 138 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

20. Averianov V, ‘Problemy formuvannia novoyi doktryny ukrainskoho administratyvnoho prava problem’ v Averianov V (red), Administratyvne Pravo v konteksti Europeyskoho vyboru Ukrainy: zb. nauk. prats: Za materialamy Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. (Milenium 2004) (in Ukrainian).


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