Article | Lifesupport of the Population and its Administrative and Legal Regulation: from the Doctrine to Industrial Law Enforcement |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, professor, Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2021 |
Pages | 73 - 90 |
Annotation | The article states that the sphere of life support of the settlement covers various sectors of the economy and a wide range of norms of almost all branches of law, such as administrative, civil, economic, land, environmental, criminal, etc. The latest trends in the development of our civilization allow us to add even space and international law to this list. The outlined area is related to urban planning, architecture, construction activities, which in turn requires state influence through administrative and legal regulation and public administration. It is indicated that the priority areas of life support of any settlement are the rational use of resources of cities and suburban areas based on the implementation of planning models of optimal settlement and the use of effective administrative and legal mechanisms for their regulation. That is, the basis of state development in the field of life support of settlements should be the optimal state policy in the field of life support of the settlement. The purpose of the article is to study the administrative and legal regulation of life support of the settlement from doctrine to sectoral law enforcement. It is concluded that the development and solution of the problem of regulatory regulation in the field of life support of the settlement should be phased. At the first stage it is expedient to form proposals that will be aimed at direct regulation of public administration in the field of life support of the settlement, at the second – adaptation of new legislation to existing legislation in related areas of law to ensure the effectiveness of the former.
Keywords | life support of the settlement; administrative and legal regulation; public administration; branch law enforcement |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Dorokhina Yu, Zlochyny proty vlasnosti. Teoretyko-pravove doslidzhennia (Kyiv nats torh-ekon un-t 2016) (in Ukrainian). 2. Pleshkanovska A, Funktsionalno-planuvalna optymizatsiia vykorystannia miskykh terytorii (Instytut Urbanistyky 2005) (in Ukrainian). 3. Romanenko A, Svitlychnyi O, Pravove rehuliuvannia zhytlovoi ta hromadskoi zabudovy (2019) (in Ukrainian).
Edited and translated books 4. Dal’ R, O demokratii (per s angl, Aspekt Press 2000) (in Russian). 5. Fukujama F, Konec istorii i poslednij chelovek (per s angl, Izdatel’stvo AST 2005) (in Russian). 6. Mondin B, Pidruchnyky systematychnoi filosofii, t 3: Ontolohiia i metafizyka (per s ital, Misioner 2010) (in Ukrainian). 7. Shemshuchenko Yu, ‘Shcho take pravo?’ v Antolohiia ukrainskoi yurydychnoi dumky, t 10: Yurydychna dumka nezalezhnoi Ukrainy (Shemshuchenko Iu red, Yurydychna knyha 2005) (in Ukrainian). 8. Shmitt K, Ponjatie politicheskogo (per s nem, Nauka 2016) (in Russian).
Conference papers 9. Mozghovyi A, ‘Stalyi rozvytok mist: peredumovy ta superechnosti’ v Stalyi sotsialnoekonomichnyi ta ekolohichnyi rozvytok: vid teorii do praktyky: materialy mizhnar. nauk.prakt. konf. (Dnipropetrovsk 2014) (in Ukrainian). 10. Romanenko A, ‘Derzhavna polityka u sferi zemel zhytlovoi ta hromadskoi zabudovy’ Materialy Х mizhnarodnoi naukovoi praktychnoi konferentsii “Budushchye yssledovanyia– 2014”, t 12: Zakon (Bial HRAD-BH 2014) (in Ukrainian).
Websites 11. ‘Aufgaben der Stadtplanung – Planungsprozesse’ (Titelbild Stadtplanungsamt Nürnberg) <> (accessed: 04.10.2021) (in Ukrainian). 12. ‘Infrastruktura’ (Material z Vikipedii) <> (accessed: 04.10.2021) (in Ukrainian). 13. Duhin O, ‘Demokratiia proty liberalizmu’ < demokratija-proti-liberalizmu-biblioteka.html> (accessed: 04.10.2021) (in Ukrainian). 14. Kontseptsiia publichnoho upravlinnia u sferi mistobudivnoi diialnosti: zb. analit. materialiv (Kyiv 2019) < pdf> (accessed: 04.10.2021) (in Ukrainian).
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