Article | Pre-Trial Resolution of Public Disputes: Fundamentals of Regulatory Fixing and Problems of Legislative Regulation |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Аssociate Professor of Administrative Law and Procedure Department of the Institute of Law Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2021 |
Pages | 132 - 146 |
Annotation | At present, the statements of professional judges, other judicial officials, lawyers, legal practitioners, as well as scholars that the judicial system does not fully ensure compliance with all principles, principles guaranteed by the Basic Law of Ukraine and other legislative acts are quite common. administrative proceedings. This situation arises, in particular, due to the large number of appeals to the administrative court to resolve public law disputes within its jurisdiction. However, in order to relieve the judiciary, save procedural resources to resolve those categories of cases that, other than the court, no other institutions due to their legal status can not be resolved; saving financial resources of the parties to the dispute, as well as financial resources of the state, which according to court decisions (in case the court resolves the dispute not in favor of the subject of power) are spent on legal aid, examinations, compensation for moral and material damage, etc. settlement of public law dispute. Their use by the parties to the dispute significantly increases the probability of resolving the above problems that have arisen within the judicial system of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the basics of regulation and problems of legislative regulation of pre-trial settlement of public disputes. It is established that overcoming the dispute, leveling the negative consequences of the existence of disputes between the parties in the most expeditious and acceptable to the parties is the purpose of pre-trial settlement of disputes. It is concluded that the category of “pre-trial” covers both the procedures used in the implementation of alternative dispute resolution and out-of-court procedures. However, it is stated that in contrast to these types of dispute resolution, the peculiarity of pre-trial settlement is that their application is carried out before the start of the trial.
Keywords | public law dispute; pre-trial procedures for public law disputes; administrative appeal; administrative court; national legislation; subject of legal relations; judicial protection |
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