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Article Legal Regulation of State Aid to Economic Entities in the Context of Enforcing Fair Competition

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD), senior researcher (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 11 / 2021
Pages 141 - 154

The article is devoted to the most vulnerable area of competition law – the legal regulation of state aid. The author emphasizes that the development of fair competition in Ukraine is impossible in the case of uncontrolled state intervention in the economic activities of individual businesses by providing the latter with benefits and preferences, subsidies and other forms of state aid. This practice becomes especially dangerous in cases when the relevant assistance is provided opaquely or unmotivatedly only to selected business entities while maintaining the overall strict regulatory influence on the activities of other participants in economic relations.

The purpose of the article is to determine the state of legal support for fair competition in Ukraine in the provision of state aid to economic entities.

The author analyzes international agreements that have become the legal basis for national legislation in the field of state aid. Differences in the terminological apparatus used by the legislator are established, the ratio of the concepts “state financial support” and “state aid” is defined as general and part.

Weaknesses in the system of control over the provision of state aid have been identified, in particular, the statute of limitations for the return of state aid and the lack of authority of the authorized body to impose fines on economic entities in case of failure to provide information at the request of the authorized body.

The author concludes that it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the admissibility of state aid to ensure fair competition at 2 levels: international (in accordance with the requirements of European legislation on state aid, the implementation of which Ukraine has committed) and national.


Keywords competition legislation; state financial support; state aid to business entities; economic and legal regulation


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Newspaper articles

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