Article | Problems of Legal Regulation of State Aid to Economic Entities in the Context of Acqui Communautaire |
Authors |
Doctor of Science Law, Associate Professor, Professor of Departments of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law Kyiv National Economic University named Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
PhD, Associate Professor of Departments of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law Kyiv National Economic University named Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 11 / 2021 |
Pages | 155 - 166 |
Annotation | The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and the adoption of the Framework Law of Ukraine “On Legal Assistance to Business Entities” laid the legal basis for building a system of state aid to business entities aimed at ending unsystematic and inefficient state support to businesses existed for a long time, and aimed at balancing the state’s influence on competition. During the four years of this law, it has become clear that without a number of changes, it will not work effectively. The purpose of the article is to review the state of legal regulation of state aid, reporting indicators of the control and monitoring system for compliance with the EU acquis to improve regulations in this area. It is established that there are significant terminological differences in the national legislation with the provisions of the Association Agreement with the EU, in order to eliminate them we propose the definition of “state aid”, which provides a criterion for the impact on trade between Ukraine and the EU; the possibility of providing state aid at the expense of state resources only and in the forms prescribed by law. It is concluded that the existing diversity of forms of state aid can provoke abuse of rights by both providers and recipients. In order to harmonize national legislation with paragraph 1 of Art. 263 of the Association Agreement and ensuring maximum transparency and consistency in the provision of state aid, we propose to provide an exhaustive list of forms of state aid to economic entities, the indicators of each of which should be reflected in the report of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. Criteria that influence the legal assessment of public procurement as a form of state aid to economic entities have been identified. Based on the analysis of EU practice and explanations of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, it is established that the application of discriminatory conditions in tender documents in certain circumstances may contain signs of state aid and be a basis for the business entity to apply to the AMCU not only as a public procurement appellate body, but also as a body that controls state aid.
Keywords | state aid; competition; public procurement; forms of state aid; business entities |
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