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Article Issues of Professional Legal Culture of a Judge

Ph.D. in Law, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, High Council of Justice

 (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 11 / 2021
Pages 197 - 208

The article examines the issues of professional legal culture of a judge. Attention is drawn to the necessity of legislative updating of standards of conduct of judges, taking into account the high requirements of society to the professional activities of a judge. One of the main problems facing the judiciary is the need to restore the trust of citizens and society in the judiciary, so that everyone feels respect for the carriers of the judge’s robe.

The high level of requirements for moral and ethical and other personal qualities of judges determines the need to use modern methods of studying of the personality.

The purpose of the article is to study the issues of increasing of public confidence in judges of the judiciary, the formation of moral and ethical image of the judge, which is the key to increasing public confidence in judges and the judiciary in general. A necessary moral and ethical component of a judge’s activity is his behaviour, which is based on the principles of good treatment of the parties in cases and honesty and morality in their own way of life, execution of their rights and duties and administration of justice, etc.

The author concludes that one of the elements of a judge’s professionalism is a professional duty related to professional honour, ethics, morality, integrity, which are the key to quality justice. By his actions and deeds, a judge forms his reputation, which influences the formation of public opinion not only in relation to an individual judge, but also to the entire judiciary.

The professional qualities of a judge are a certain set of characteristics that should indicate what a judge is or should be, they allow to highlight the special thing that distinguishes the profession of a judge from other professions. The judge implements a significant number of special qualities and skills that make up the mentality of the individual and determine his creative potential, as well as individual style of work. A judge, carrying out state activity, is the bearer of judicial power, his work is associated with high psycho-emotional loads, especially today.


Keywords judiciary; judge; morality; ethics; independence of judges; virtue


Authored books

1. Aparova T, Sudy i sudebnyj process Velikobritanii. Anglija, Ujel’s, Shotlandija (Triada Ltd 1996) (in Russian).

2. Engibarjan R, Konstitucionnoe razvitie v sovremennom mire. Osnovnye tendencii (Norma 2007) (in Russian).

3. Husariev S, O Tykhomyrov, Yurydychna deontolohiia (Osnovy yurydychnoi diialnosti): navchalnyi posibnyk (4-te vyd, Znannia 2010) (in Ukrainian).

4. Isakova G, Politologija prav cheloveka: uchebnoe posobie (Foliant 2007) (in Russian).

5. Kleandrov M, Status sud’i: uchebnoe posobie (Sibirskaja izdatel’skaja firma RAN 2000) (in Russian).

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8. Koni A, Ugolovnyj process: nravstvennye nachala (Sovremennyj gumanitarnyj institut 2000) (in Russian).

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11. Shevchuk S, Sudova pravotvorchist: svitovyi dosvid i perspektyvy v Ukraini (2-he vyd, Referat 2010) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

12. Dokumenty Konsultatyvnoi rady yevropeiskykh sudiv (Kavakin A uporiad, In Yure 2015) (in Ukrainian).

13. Maklakov V (otv red), Konstitucionnoe pravo: slovar (Jurist 2001) (in Russian). Journal articles 14. Aleshina I, ‘Kandidat na dolzhnost’ sud’i’ (2001) 12 Zakonnost’ 41 (in Russian).

15. Chueva E, ‘Psihodiagnosticheskoe obsledovanie lichnosti kandidatov na dolzhnosti sudej kak odna iz sostavljajushhih povyshenija kachestva pravosudija i jeffektivnosti sudebnoj sistemy’ (2010) 2 Administrator suda 15–9 (in Russian).


Conference paper

16. Kravchuk M, ‘Etychni normy v pravovomu rehuliuvanni suspilnykh vidnosyn: teoretyko-pravovyi aspekt’ Profesiina etyka sudovoho protsesu: materialy kruhloho stolu (Natsionalna akademiia prokuratury Ukrainy 2018) 52 (in Ukrainian).



17. Kamenskykh P, ‘U Verkhovnomu sudi khochut nainiaty piar-kompaniiu i zasterihaiut vid nastupu na svoiu nezalezhnist’ (Zakon i Biznes, 21.09.2019) < ua/139312-u_verhovnomu_sudi_hochut_naynyati_piar-kompaniyu_i_zasteriga.html> (accessed: 15.11.2021) (in Ukrainian).

18. Khmyz M, ‘Rol sudiv u demokratychnomu suspilstvi’ (2021) 7 Nauka Onlain <> (accessed: 15.11.2021) (in Ukrainian).


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