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Article Legal Technique of Rulemaking in the Context of Doctrinal Views

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Honored Personality of Science and Technique of Ukraine,  Professor of the Department of Law The Institution of higher education «King Danylo University» (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  https://orcid.or/0000-0002-2539-5526



Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Scientific Consultant to a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine   (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0001-9472-5472


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2021
Pages 146 - 158

Insufficient theoretical understanding and the lack of a scientific basis for the legal technique of rulemaking has a significant impact on the entire law-making process, which is based on doctrinal justification.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the legal technique of rulemaking in the context of doctrinal views.

The study uses the principles and techniques of formal-logical methodology, as well as applied a structural-functional approach. The identification of intersectoral links in rulemaking is based on the functional nature of law in general and regulatory means of regulations in particular. In addition, dialectical, system-structural and functional methods, the method of interpretation (applied to the current rules of law) were used in the work. The formal-legal method traces the relationship between the content and form of legal norms using the tools of legal techniques.

It is shown that the most important factor in the modernization of lawmaking should be a doctrinal justification to eliminate distortions of the social mechanism of lawmaking, ensuring maximum and objective interaction of all other factors influencing the development of domestic lawmaking. It is argued that in the process of making a lawmaking decision it is necessary to proceed, first, from their expediency, objective necessity. Furthermore, it is necessary to take into account the forecasting of the consequences arising from the implementation of the law. The expediency of making a scientific forecast of the expected positive and negative consequences that arise as a result of issuing a certain law-making decision is substantiated. The results of the study can be used in lawmaking to improve the quality and effectiveness of legislation.

Doctrinal views on the legal technique of rulemaking actualize the requirement of validity and certainty. The quality of rulemaking is evidenced by the necessary degree of accuracy and completeness of reflection in the rules of law of the real needs of social relations. At the time of the adoption of the bill “On law-making activities”, which will regulate public relations in the field of rulemaking in Ukraine. Rulemaking should be based on a more solid foundation, namely the legal technique as a set of techniques and methods of preparation, consideration, adoption, and promulgation of draft regulations, law enforcement, interpretative acts that provide a complete, simple, accurate, economic relationship with the realities of life, by the will of the legislator or interpreter. With this approach, the feasibility study of rulemaking will be based on objective knowledge developed by legal science, rather than on a subjective assessment of the quality of the draft law, which may be erroneous or even have a corruption and lobbying component.


Keywords lawmaking; legal regulation; normative design; legal forecasting; compressive approach


Authored books

1. Richard C, Why we’re all Romans: the Roman contribution to the Western world (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2010) (in English).

2. Onyshhuk I, Pravovyj monitoryng: problemy metodologii’, teorii’ ta praktyky (Kolo 2017) (in Ukrainian).

3. Rumjancev M, Pravotvorchestvo v Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija (Sreda 2019) (in Russian). 4. Savchyn M, Porivnjal’ne konstytucijne pravo: navchal’nyj posibnyk (Jurinkom Inter 2019) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

5. Kryzhanivskyj V, Nechyporenko L, Rahimkulov E, Cherednichenko S (eds), Dovidnyk parlamentarja 01. Osnovni aspekty zakonotvorchogo procesu (FOP Moskalenko O. M. 2014) (in Ukrainian).

6. Novitnje vchennja pro tlumachennja pravovyh aktiv: navch. posib. z kursu tlumachennja prav. aktiv dlja suddiv, shho prohodjat pidvyshh. kvalifikacii’, i kand. na posady suddiv, shho prohodjat special’nu pidgotovku (Rotan V red, Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian).

7. Pravotvorchestvo kak indikator pravovyh cennostej: vnutrigosudarstvennoe, nadnacio nal’noe i mezhdunarodnoe izmerenija. Kollektivnaja monografija (Chestnov I red, Asterion 2018) (in Russian). 8. Zahalna teoriia prava: pidruchnyk (Koziubra M red, Vaite 2015) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

9. Aryadoust V, ‘An integrated cognitive theory of comprehension’ (2017) 33 International Journal of Listening <10.1080/10904018.2017> (in English).

10. Gribnau H, ‘Legal Certainty: A Matter of Principle’ (2014) 12 Tilburg Law School Research Paper 94 (in English).

11. Jaja T, ‘Judicial Interpretation of Legislation as a Source of Rules of Legislative Procedure and Legislative Drafting: a Comparative Study of United Kingdom and Nigerian Court Cases on Legislative Drafting’ (2016) 19 Comparative Law Review 170 <10.12775/ CLR.2015.007> (in English).

12. Riedl J, ‘Uncovering legislative pace in Germany: A methodical and computational application to answer temporal questions of law-making’ [2019] 36 (4) Government Information Quarterly <> (in English).

13. Symeonides S, ‘Choice of Law in the American Courts in 2020: Thirty-Fourth Annual Survey’ [2021] 69 (2) The American Journal of Comparative Law <https://doi-org.eres.> (in English).

14. Xanthaki H, ‘Legislative Drafting: a New Sub-discipline of Law is Born’ [2013] 1 (1) Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS). Student Law Review (in English).

15. Gatilova A, ‘K voprosu o tehnologii pravovogo prognozirovanija’ [2012] 3 (139) Vestnik OGU 31 (in Russian).

16. Onyshhuk I, ‘Problemy vdoskonalennja normatyvno-pravovogo reguljuvannja vymog do jurydychnoi tehniky’ [2011] 6 (102) Jurydychna Ukraina 26 (in Ukrainian).

17. Shutak I, ‘Pravovyj monitoryng: zastosuvannja prognostychnogo metodu’ (2014) 2 Filosofski ta metodologichni problemy prava 53 (in Ukrainian).

18. Shutak I, Onyshhuk I, ‘Jurydychna tehnika konstrujuvannja normy prava’ (2013) 2 Visnyk akademii prokuratury Ukrai’ny 43 (in Ukrainian).

19. Udovyka L, Ganzenko O, ‘Pravovi zasoby pravotvorchosti v konteksti integracii Ukrainy v JeS’ (2017) 10 Pidpryjemnyctvo, gospodarstvo i pravo 203 (in Ukrainian).


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