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Article Normative Basis of Modern Ukrainian Constitutionalism: Constitutional and Legal Doctrine and Practice of Creation

Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of State and Law. V. M. Koretsky NAS of Ukraine, (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Doctor of Laws, professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Leading research scientist of the department for the constitutional law and local self-government V.M. Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2021
Pages 159 - 175

The problems of studying the normative basis of modern Ukrainian constitutionalism are determined by two main factors: the role and significance of constitutionalism as the goal of modern political and legal transformations taking place in Ukraine; the practical need for constitutional and legal support of reform processes withinthese transformations through the modernization of the Constitution of Ukraine and the improvement of current legislation, which form the normative basis of constitutionalism.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the constitutional and legal doctrine and determine the peculiarities of the practice of creation of a normative basis for modern Ukrainian constitutionalism, the system of which is aimed at limiting (self-limiting) public power in favor of civil society, human and civil rights, and interests in order to achieve (recognize, ensure, protect) constitutional and legal freedom of a person.

The Constitution as the core of Ukrainian constitutionalism in its essence and content should correspond to universal values, advanced political and legal ideas and principles of European constitutionalism and, at the same time, change (improve) in accordance with the trends in the development of an organized society. Modern Ukrainian constitutionalism should be based on a consistent, structured system of constitutional legislation, which is characterized by an optimal combination of stability and flexibility, which is possible only with a clear definition of the subject of regulation by the most crucial normative act in this system after the Constitution – the constitutional law and the introduction of the separation of organic and ordinary laws. This implies the need to separate from the entire array of Public Relations an exhaustive, closed list of issues (relations) that are subject to regulation exclusively by constitutional and organic laws. By constitutional laws included in the system of constitutional legislation, it is expedient to understand laws that amend the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutional laws on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine), as well as laws regulating the most important public relations that are formed in the process of exercising state and public self-government power and its relations with the people, population, civil society and man (constitutional laws on ensuring the constitutional order of Ukraine). Organic laws should be adopted on all other issues related to the constitutional structure of the state and society, with a direct reference in the text of the Constitution of Ukraine according to the existing legislative procedure, while simplifying the procedure for adopting ordinary laws on current issues.

Thus, taking into account the domestic constitutional and legal realities, the existing practice of lawmaking, it is scientifically based and practically appropriate to create an effective normative basis for modern Ukrainian constitutionalism, to amend the Constitution of Ukraine in accordance with the trends of the constitutional development of the Ukrainian state and society; as well as to improve the system of constitutional legislation, in particular, through the introduction of the classification of laws into constitutional, organic and ordinary laws in the legislative practice of Ukraine.


Keywords modern Ukrainian constitutionalism; Constitution of Ukraine; consti tutional legislation; constitutional laws; organic laws; ordinary laws


Authored books

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Edited and translated books

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Journal articles

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12. Zmini do Konstituciyi Ukrayiny v chastini decentralizaciyi vlady. Finalnij zvit za rezultatami inklyuzivnih pozaparlamentskih publichnih konsultacij “Zmini do Konstituciyi Ukrayiny u chastini decentralizaciyi cherez consensus”. Proekt tekstu zmin do Konstituciyi Ukrayiny v chastini decentralizaciyi vlady (2021) < uploads/documents/42960.pdf> (accessed: 15.12.2021) (in Ukrainian).

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