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Article Lawmaking in the Field of Personal Non-Property Rights in the Conditions of Posthumanity

Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Professor of department of civil law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: 0002 2925 0738


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2021
Pages 176 - 194

An analysis of the peculiarities of lawmaking activities in the field of personal non-property rights of individuals in the “posthuman”, characterized by rapid development of information technology, the emergence of more complex technological objects, advances in biotechnology and the challenges of information society to develop a holistic view on the directions of recodification (update) of civil legislation of Ukraine in modern conditions of human self-awareness of their natural rights and bifurcation of worlds in which man is forced to live in harmony with the world of nature, technology and artificial world, which people themselves joined.

The aim of the article is to form theoretical and practical proposals for improving lawmaking in the process of updating the civil legislation of Ukraine in the field of personal non-property rights of individuals in the rapid development of information technology, biotechnology, etc. in the period called posthumanity.

The methodological basis for the study of lawmaking in the field of personal non-property rights in terms of updating domestic civil law were primarily generalphilosophical approaches to understanding the nature and content of human values for society and the formation of legal and legislative bases, the fundamental purpose of which is respect conditions for all members of society. A significant number of methods of scientific knowledge were also used to write the article, which together helped to reveal the topic and achieve the main goal, including historical-legal, logical, dialectical, synergistic, formal-legal methods, as well as methods of complex systems analysis and synthesis, abstraction, etc.

The conclusions state that the lawmaking search should end with the formation of a set of normatively enshrined principles of personal non-property rights, some of which should remain unchanged, and some should be supplemented by provisions characterizing the current stage of information society development. artificial intelligence, new biological species appear, experiments with living organisms are carried out, etc.; this is becoming increasingly important in the era called posthumanity and may be the subject of further search for effective solutions in law, provided that the introduction of humane lifeaffirming value in this period.


Keywords personal inalienable rights; lawmaking; recodification of civil law; posthumanity


Authored books

1. Bateson M C, Our Own Mataphor: A Personal Account of Conference on the Effects of Consious Purpose on Human Adaptation (Smithsonian Institution Press 1991) (in English).

2. Bukatman S, Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodern Science Fiction (Duke University Press 1993) (in English).

3. Doyle R, On Beyond Living: Rhetorical Transformations in the Life Sciences (Stanford University Press 1977) (in English).

 4. Foucault M, The Order of Things: An Archaelogy of the Human Sciences (Vintage Books 1973) (in English).

5. Keller E F, Secrets of Life, Secrets of Death: Essays on Language, Gender, and Science (Routledge 1992) (in English).

6. Moravec H, Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence (Harvard University Press 1988) (in English).

7. Stone A R, The War of Desire and Technolodgy at the Close of the Mechanical Age (MIT Press 1995) (in English).

8. Wiener N, The Human Use of Human Beings (2d ed, Doubleday 1954) (in English).


Edited and translated books

9. Halberstam Ju, Livingston I (eds), Posthuman Bodies (Indiana University Press 1995) (in English).

10. Hassan I, ‘Prometheus as Performer: Towards a Posthumanist Culture?’ in Benamon M, Caramella C (ed), Performance in Postmodern Culture (Coda Press 1977) (in English).

 11. Nicholson B, ‘The Work of Culture sn the Age of Cybernetics’ in Druckery T (ed), Electronic Cuiture: Technology and Visual Representation (Aperture 1996) (in English).

12. Kheilz K, Yak my staly postliudstvom: virtualni tila v kibernetytsi, literaturi ta informatytsi (2-he vyd, per z anhl, Nika-Tsentr 2013) (in Ukrainian).

13. Kontseptsiia onovlennia Tsyvilnoho kodeksu Ukrainy (ArtEk 2020) (in Ukrainian).

14. Skakun O, Teoriia derzhavy i prava: pidruchnyk (per z ros, Konsum 2001) (in Ukrainian).

15. Teoriia derzhavy i prava. Akademichnyi kurs: pidruchnyk (Zaichuk O, Onishchenko N red, Yurinkom Inter 2006) (in Ukrainian).

16. Teoriia derzhavy ta prava: navchalnyi posibnuk (Husariev S, Tykhomyrov O red, NAVS, Osvita Ukrainy 2017) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

 17. Panova I, ‘Pravotvorennia v informatsiinii sferi’ [2015] 1 (45) Pravova informatyka 34–40 (in Ukrainian).





18. Kokhanovska O, ‘Tsyvilno-pravovi problemy informatsiinykh vidnosyn v Ukraini’ (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2006) (in Ukrainian).

19. Myronova H, ‘Pryvatnopravove rehuliuvannia osobystykh nemainovykh vidnosyn u sferi nadannia medychnoi dopomohy’ (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2020) (in Ukrainian).


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