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Article Proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act and its Influence on Private Law
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2021
Pages 242 - 250

On 21 April 2021, the European Commission published Proposal for a Regulation of The European Parliament and of The Council Laying Down Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and Amending Certain Union Legislative Acts (Proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act). It has already become the subject of scientific and scientific-practical domestic research.

The purpose of the article is to predict the impact of the Proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act on domestic private law regulation of relations concerning the providing and use of artificial intelligence.

 Based on the study, the main changes in private law regulation concerning the providing and use of artificial intelligence were predicted, at least at the level of such general principles of civil law as protection from arbitrary interference with personal life, business freedom and freedom of contract.

In addition, the adoption of the Proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act will contribute to the emergence of new regulation of civil relations concerning the providing and use of artificial intelligence, namely: personal non-property relations (the use of artificial intelligence creates risks to personal non-property rights, such as privacy, personal data, information, but not limited to them); intellectual property relations (protection of artificial intelligence as an object of intellectual property; use of artificial intelligence to create objects of intellectual property rights); contractual relations (contracts concerning the providing and use of artificial intelligence; agreements concluded in one form or another with the help of artificial intelligence); tort obligations to pay damages caused by the use of artificial intelligence (both property and non-property).


Keywords artificial intelligence; legal regulation; private law; Proposal for Artificial Intelligence Act


Authored books

1. Bradford A, The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World (Oxford University Press 2020) (in English).


Journal articles

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