Article | Definition of Key Requirements for Legal Norms in Legislative Drafting |
Authors |
PhD in Juridical sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Head of the Department for Integration of Academic and University Legal Science and Development of Legal Education Kyiv Regional Center of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2021 |
Pages | 64 - 73 |
Annotation | This Paper deals with standards and key requirements for legal norms in legislative drafting of statutory acts, and definition of key defects of legislative technique under the current legislation of Ukraine. The purpose of this Paper is determination of standards and key requirements for legal norms at the stage of legislative drafting project development. It is stated the need for repositioning of the part of the law in the life of an individual, society and the state, so as move away from solely normativistic sense of law as well as a critical need for system update of the whole Ukrainian legal corpus. As a result of studies made the need for relevant revising of national legal framework is justified. Particular attention is paid to the necessity of solution for issues occurs due to defects of legislative drafting. It is stated, that one of key tools to overcome named defects is draft of the Law on legislative activity. The Author claims the need for high-quality doctrinal model of statutory act as a premise of its efficiency and ability to regulate lacking relations. It is defined that legislative technique, as an element of legislative practice, is a performance bond for quality and efficiency of whole national legal corpus. The Paper highlights the issue of relevance of statutory acts and both logical and linguistic requirements for legal drafting process. The Paper additionally specifies the requirement to understand legal norm clear, in particular in spot of the large number of evaluative concepts under the national legislation. It is noted, that blanket norms under a number of laws is their basic flaw, especially when such norms are not specified under special legislation. It is concluded, that quite often named blanket norms are not specified deliberately aimed to avoid further property burdening of a state. It is stated, that named lack of specification of blanket norms is a conceptual problem for legal activity. It is determined, that an important condition to draft quality and efficiency legislation is proper scientific basis for lawmaking. The Author states, that an organic link between legal doctrine and practice manifests itself during preparation of the concept of a law.
Keywords | legal norm; lawmaking; legislative drafting; legislative technique; legal standards; evaluative concepts; blanket norms; concept of a law |
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