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Article State and Local Self-Government in Ukraine as Institutions for Establishing the Rule of the People (Issues of Interaction)

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the II and V convocations (Kyiv, Ukraine)



Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2021
Pages 42 - 51

Among the many flaws of Ukrainian statehood, the decisive factor is the lack of the necessary system of government, the system by which Ukraine could become a truly constitutional, democratic and social state. In public life, in state administration, the absence of such a system is replaced by its surrogates, which have formal features of the necessary elements of power, but in essence are contrary to the content declared in the definitions. This is dangerous not only by distorting important categories (council, party, democracy, law, elections, justice…), but by the degeneration of state institutions into their opposite, under certain conditions – the loss of statehood. As a subject of peripheral capitalism, Ukraine has dangerously approached such a prospect, acquiring the characteristics of a colony with its natural attributes: external management, exportoriented raw materials economy, unemployment, financial, energy, military, etc. dependence. Derivatives of this state were the loss of control over part of the territories, deindustrialization, the decline of science and the entire social sphere, unprecedented labor migration, human rights violations, incredible corruption (“generator” which is the state, especially law enforcement), total enrichment of certain individuals, while impoverishment of the majority population takes place. Business, crime and the government are creating a conglomerate whose interests run counter to the interests of the vast majority of the population, and the gap between the government and the people is widening. It is clear that such a state has no future. It can occasionally use external forces, as a stimulus to fuel conflicts in the geopolitical confrontation of the known states. Actually, that is observed. How to prevent a catastrophe? The key to salvation is the reform of the system of power, the development of real capable self-government. Thus, begins the transformation of man into a citizen, the population – into the people. This is one of the main directions to achieve this goal.


Keywords system of power; balance of statehood and self-government; legal doctrine; constitutional referendum


Authored books

1. Moroz O, Yushchyk O, “Druzi” ta “sluhy” narodu v dzerkali ukrainskoi demokratii (Parlamentske vyd-vo 2020) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

2. Moroz O, ‘Na pershyi plan vykhodyt reformuvannia instytutiv publichnoi vlady’ Formula demokratii: “Narod – Konstytutsiia – vlada”. 20-richchiu Konstytutsii Ukrainy prysviachuietsia (Moroz O, Yushchyk O uporiad, Parlam vyd-vo 2016) (in Ukrainian).


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