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Article Legal Reform in the Sphere of National Security of Ukraine: Theoretical and Legal Aspect

PhD in Juridical sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2021
Pages 88 - 105

The article considers the phenomenon of legal reform in the sphere of national security on the example of modern Ukraine through the prism of modern theoretical jurisprudence and national security science. Such a reform is studied as an invariant of legal reforms, which is subject to all the general laws of initiating, organizing and conducting legal reform as a generic phenomenon. It was found that such a reform appears as a complex, multifaceted social phenomenon that reflects a certain level of general theoretical legal thought and national security, features of legal science, the state of legislative and conceptual developments on this issue, based on which it can be considered in various aspects.

                  It is concluded that the legal reform in the sphere of national security provides for systematic, scientifically sound, socially acceptable and justified changes: 1) in the legislation that guarantees national security and protects national interests; 2) in the structure, organization and activities of public authorities and other entities responsible for ensuring national security, in the system of their functions and powers, as well as in the ways (forms, methods) of their implementation; 3) in the qualitative strengthening of the state of protection of the whole array of public relations, centered around national security and covered by the object of reform, from external and internal, real and potential threats. Thus, the reform of national security appears in the unity of three components: normative-legal (regulatory), managerial (subjective) and object (change of the sphere of public relations in the field of national security).

                 It is proved that the reform of national security should take place in the legal plane, by legal means, with the involvement of those constructive elements and developments that have been made within the framework of both general theoretical jurisprudence and branch legal sciences. It is revealed that, from the procedural point of view, this reform is a set of measures initiated, organized and carried out by authorized subjects of national security (usually by higher state authorities) in accordance with existing public needs, lead to significant changes in legal, institutional and/or functional subsystems of national security, which leads to a qualitatively higher level of protection of national interests from real and potential, internal and external threats. Instead, in the institutional sense, such a reform should streamline and rationalize the activities of the state apparatus, in all its necessary components, to implement measures aimed at bringing the entire national security system of Ukraine in line with social needs, ensuring its institutional capacity constantly (continuously), effectively and timely respond (respond) to challenges to national interests, actively and consistently protect these interests both within the state and abroad, and so on.


Keywords human security; society security; state security; national security; military security; information security; economic security; ecological security; national interests; internal and external threats; state sovereignty; territorial integrity; legal reform; national security reform; subjects of national security; national security strategy; state apparatus; public organizations



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Journal articles

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Conference papers

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