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Article Current Challenges to Human Rights and Freedoms and the Ombudsman Institution

Vice-President of the European Ombudsman Institute, First Ukrainian Ombudsman (1998–2012), Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Vice-President, Union of Lawyers of Ukraine. Professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines Law and Management Institute Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2021
Pages 106 - 124

The article examines the genesis of the institution of the Ombudsman of Ukraine – the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights. The role of the Ombudsman is shown both in protecting the rights of individuals as well as in overcoming the systemic violations of human rights. The essence of modern challenges to human rights and freedoms is revealed: poverty, migration, human trafficking, modern terrorism, sea piracy, armed conflicts, wars, humanitarian disasters, dehumanization of society. The activity of the First Ombudsman of Ukraine on bringing the legislation of Ukraine and law enforcement practice in line with European and international human rights standards is analyzed. The need to form a modern legal culture based on international standards in the field of human rights and freedoms and the rule of law is analyzed. The article investigates monitoring mechanism of the national human rights institution performed through the Annual and Special Reports to the national Parliament. It also reveals forms of cooperation of the Ombudsman of Ukraine with national, international and European structures in the field of human rights. It is shown that not only the institution of the Ombudsman, in terms of its legal status, should be independent in the spirit of the Paris Principles, but the person in this post should also have personal independence. There are shown ways to establishing peace through the search for compromises and a trustful dialogue between the authorities and society. The innovation of the article is the analysis of the Ombudsman institution as a mechanism for the extrajudicial protection of human rights in the context of modern challenges to human rights and freedoms. A new term is introduced into scientific circulation – “the case law of the Ombudsman”. 

Keywords challenges to human rights and freedoms; international human rights standards; the Paris principles; the First Ombudsman of Ukraine; poverty; migration; human trafficking; sea piracy; terrorism; the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine; annual and special reports of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for human rights; human rights mechanisms; Ombudsman case law; the European court of human rights


Conference papers

1. ‘Dopovid Upovnovazhenoho Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy z prav liudyny (Ombudsman Ukrainy) Niny Karpachovoi “Suchasni vyklyky pravam i svobodam liudyny”’ v Suchasni vyklyky pravam i svobodam liudyny: Materialy Mizhnarodnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi 60-i richnytsi Zahalnoi deklaratsii prav liudyny i 10-i richnytsi Ombudsmana Ukrainy (Karpachova N red, K. I. S. 2010) (in Ukrainian).



2. ‘OON: Bol’shinstvo dokazatel’stv prestuplenij na Majdane unichtozheno’ (Korrespondent. net, 18 sentjabrja 2015) <> (accessed: 15.02.2021) (in Russian).

3. ‘Suchasnyi teroryzm porodzhenyi peredusim kryzoiu isnuiuchoho svitovoho poriadku – Nina Karpachova’ (Ukrinform, 26.10.2011) < news/1265519-suchasniy_terorizm_porodgeniy_peredusm_krizoyu_snuyuchogo_ svtovogo_poryadku___nna_karpachova_1051780.html> (accessed: 15.02.2021) (in Ukrainian).


Other sources

 4. Karpachova N, Compliance and Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in Ukraine. The First Annual Report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Kyiv 2000) (in English).

5. Karpachova N, State of Observance and Protection of the Rights of the Child in Ukraine. Special Report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of ratification by Ukraine of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Kyiv 2010) (in English).

6. Karpachova N, The status of observance of the international standards of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine: special report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Kyiv 2008) (in English).

7. Karpachova N, Stan dotrymannia ta zakhystu prav hromadian Ukrainy za kordonom: Spetsialna dopovid Upovnovazhenoho Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy z prav liudyny (Ombudsman Ukrainy 2003) (in Ukrainian).

8. Karpachova N, Stan dotrymannia ta zakhystu prav moriakiv Ukrainy: spets. dop. Upovnovazh. Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy z prav liudyny (Ombudsman Ukrainy 2012) (in Ukrainian).


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