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Article Criminal Offense: Concept and its Types

Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Professor of the Criminal Law Department No.2 of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Criminal Law Department No. 2 of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2021
Pages 27 - 60

The article is devoted to the study of the concept of “criminal offense” and its types: “criminal misdemeanor” and “crime” as novelties of criminal law introduced into the Criminal Code of Ukraine (CC of Ukraine) by the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Simplification of Pre-trial Investigation of Certain Categories of Criminal Offenses”. The essential obligatory features which make the sense of a generic concept “criminal offense” which is interpreted as “socially dangerous provided by the criminal law, guilty criminally punishable act (action or inaction) committed by a criminal offender” are found out. The content and system connections of the features of this concept are considered, their organic interrelation and unity is emphasized.

Types of criminal offenses are analysed – criminal misdemeanor and crime as objective forms of manifestation of a criminal offense in reality, features of legislative definition of criminal offenses in norms of the Special part of CC of Ukraine are considered, the correlation of the general (generic) concept of “criminal offense” with the concepts of “criminal misdemeanor” and “crime” as well as with the concepts of specific types of criminal offenses provided for in the Special Part of the CC of Ukraine is found out, emphasis is placed on the determining influence of the former on the latter.

The purpose of the article – development of the concept of “criminal offense”, the relationship of this concept with its types: criminal misdemeanors and crimes, establishing the role of this concept to define the concepts of specific offenses under the Special Part of the CC of Ukraine.

The main results of the study are to identify the content of the concept of “criminal offense”, the mandatory features of which are recognized: socially dangerous, criminally illegal, guilty, criminally punishable act (action or omission) committed by a criminal offender, its consolidating impact on the system of criminal law concepts and norms and the conclusion on this basis that this concept actually performs the functions of the starting and defining category of criminal law, in clarifying the correlation and relationship of features of this generic concept with its types: “criminal misdemeanor” and “crime”, as well as its role in determining the concepts of specific offenses provided for in the articles of the Special Part of the CC of Ukraine.

The conclusion formulates the generic concept of “criminal offense”, which must correspond in content (at the general level) to the specific concepts of “criminal misdemeanor” and “crime”, as well as the definition of specific offenses under the Special Part of the CC of Ukraine.


Keywords criminal offense; criminal misdemeanor; crime; socially dangerous act; criminally illegal act; guilty act; criminally punishable act; act committed by a criminal offender


Authored books

1. Durmanov N, Ponjatie prestuplenija (Izd-vo AN SSSR 1948) (in Russian).

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Edited and translated books

14. Baulin Yu, ‘Kryminalno-pravova systema v Ukraini: zahalna kharakterystyka’ v Baulin Yu ta inshi, Suchasna kryminalno-pravova systema v Ukraini: realii ta perspektyvy (VAPTE 2015) (in Ukrainian).

15. BekkariaCh, O prestuplenijah i nakazanijah (per s ital, In Jure 2014) (in Russian). 16. Konverskij A, Logika tradicionnaja i sovremennaja: uchebnoe posobie (Lednikov E per s ukr, Ideja-Press 2010) (in Russian).

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18. Panov M, Problemy metodolohii nauky kryminalnoho prava: vybrani naukovi pratsi (Petryshyn O, Borysov V peredm, Pravo 2018) (in Ukrainian).

19. Panov M, Vybrani pratsi z problem pravoznavstva (Borysov V, Kharytonov S, Volodina O uporiad, avt vstup st, Pravo 2020) (in Ukrainian).



20. Jenciklopedija ugolovnogo prava, t 3: Ponjatie prestuplenija (Malinin V red, Izd prof Malinina 2005) (in Russian).


Journal articles

21. Volodina O, Haltsova V, Kharytonov S, ‘Social danger of domestic violence and the need for rehabilitation of its victims’ [2020] 73 (12)2 Wiadomosci Lekarskie 2896 (in English).

22. Panov M, ‘Naukovi poniattia i yurydychna terminolohiia ta yikh rol u kryminalnomu zakonotvorenni’ (2020) 149 Problemy zakonnosti 136–53 (in Ukrainian).

23. Panov M, Kharytonov S, ‘Suspilna nebezpechnist diiannia – fundamentalna oznaka poniattia “kryminalne pravoporushennia”’ [2019] 47–48 (1272–1273) Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy 16–7 (in Ukrainian).

24. Panov M, Kharytonov S, ‘Suspilna nebezpechnist diiannia v systemi oznak poniattia “kryminalne pravoporushennia”’ (2020) 150 Problemy zakonnosti 124–40 (in Ukrainian).


 Conference papers

25. Baulin Yu, ‘Fundamentalni problemy kryminalnoi vidpovidalnosti’ v Fundamentalni problemy kryminalnoi vidpovidalnosti: materialy nauk. Polilohu (m. Kharkiv, 7 veres. 2018 r.) (Baulin Iu, Ponomarenko Yu uporiad, Pravo 2018) 15 (in Ukrainian).

26. Obrazhiev K, ‘Formal’nye (juridicheskie) istochniki ugolovnogo prava pri blanketnoj forme konstruirovanija ugolovnogo zakona’ v Ugolovnoe pravo: istoki, realii, perehod k ustojchivomu razvitiju: materialy VI Ros. kongr. ugolov. prava (g. Moskva, 26–27 maja 2011 g.) (2011) 69–72 (in Russian).


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