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Article Court Proceedings of Criminal Misdemeanors in the Court of the First Instance: Theory and Practice

Doctor of Law, Professor,  Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2021
Pages 61 - 72

Entry into force of rules of Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine (CPC of Ukraine) showed, on the one hand, legal vagueness of several of legal norms, as well as lack of unified practice of issues of the scheduling of preliminary proceedings; a judge’s powers when receiving an indictment with a prosecutor’s motion to consider it in the simplified procedure in the court session; joining of materials of criminal proceedings on criminal misdemeanor and a crime; content of court rulings, particularly operative part; formulation of judgments, etc.; there are virtually no doctrinal recommendations on the issues.

The paper aims to determine types of court proceedings on criminal misdemeanors in the court of the first instance; identify substantive and technical-law inconsistencies of normative regulation of court proceedings in the court of the first instance on criminal misdemeanors; formulate proposals on removing them.

Differentiation of court hearing on criminal misdemeanors in the court of the first instance is performed in the following way: without having court hearing in the court session with the absence of participants of court proceedings; consideration of an indictment on a commission of criminal misdemeanors in the court session with the summoning of participants of criminal proceedings; general procedure (when the indictment was received without a motion to have a hearing in the simplified procedure in the court session and written statements of a suspect, a victim, a representative of a legal person in whose respect the proceedings are conducted are absent); general procedure using Art. 349 Para. 3 of CPC of Ukraine.

Principal practical problems in the application of rules of CPC of Ukraine regarding proceedings in the court of the first instance on criminal misdemeanors are the following: conditions of initiating of considering an indictment in the simplified procedure; court’s actions on receiving an indictment in criminal proceedings regarding criminal misdemeanors; scheduling preliminary court session; an indictment on a criminal misdemeanor beyond the scope of court session; examination of evidence in a trial in case of assigning a trial with the summoning of participants of criminal proceedings.

Provisions of CPC of Ukraine and practice of their application shows the need for further amendments that regulate assigning preliminary court session; enactment of provisions on conditions of simplified consideration in the Art. 381 of CPC of Ukraine; resolve the order of a court’s actions after a preparatory session; examination of the results of medical examination is conducted under the procedure of examination of documents; examination of indication of technical devices and means having the functions of photographing and filming, video recording or means of photographing and filming, video recording shall be conducted under the procedure of examination of audioand video-recordings; examination of a specialist’s report is conducted under the procedure of examination of expert’s findings.


Keywords criminal misdemeanor; trial; simplified procedure; court; indictment; motion; application; examination of evidence


Authored books

1. Babaieva O, Pidhotovche provadzhennia u systemi stadi kryminalnoho protsesu Ukrainy (Pravo 2020) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

2. Alenin Yu ta inshi, Sudove provadzhennia: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk (2020). DOI: 10.32837/11300.12523 (in Ukrainian).

3. Alenin Yu ta inshi, Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Kryminalnoho protsesualnoho kodeksu Ukrainy (Feniks 2020) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

4. Zadoya K, ‘Sproshchene provadzhennia shchodo kryminalnykh prostupkiv za Kryminalnym protsesualnym kodeksom Ukrainy 2012 roku ta zakonodavstvom yevropeiskykh derzhav’ (2015) 1 Visnyk kryminalnoho sudochynstva 29–39 (in Ukrainian).



5 Hloviuk I, ‘Sudove provadzhennia shchodo kryminalnykh prostupkiv: chy spravdiatsia ochikuvannia?’ <> (accessed: 24.12.2020) (in Ukrainian).

6. Slutska T, ‘Shchodo pytannia sproshchenoho sudovoho provadzhennia stosovno kryminalnykh prostupkiv: analiz zakonodavstva’ < pitannya_sproshchenogo_sudovogo_provadgennya_stosovno_kriminalnih_ prostupkiv_analiz_zakonodavstva> (accessed: 24.12.2020) (in Ukrainian).



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