Article | On the Need to Increase Attention to the Object of Dissertation Research in Legal Sciences |
Authors |
Doctor of Laws, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Law and State Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine, Kyiv) ORCID ID:
Doctor of Laws, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Law and State Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine, Kyiv) ORCID ID: mariyami55@
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2021 |
Pages | 76 - 90 |
Annotation | The article is devoted to the issue of increasing the requirements for writing dissertations in legal science, which, according to experts, is in deep crisis. Purpose of the article – to draw the attention of the scientific community to the current problem of choosing methodologically and conceptually verified object and subject of dissertations on legal issues, which are a marker of their autonomy in the system of legal research and compliance with specialty passports. The authors draw attention to the need to distinguish between the concepts of “object” and “subject” of legal science and “object” and “subject” of research in legal science. Bypassing the field of discussion about the object, subject and method of legal science, they offer their understanding of the object. It is emphasized that each individual legal study is designed to improve knowledge about the object of legal science, which is important for its self-development and the fullest satisfaction of the needs of legal practice. The authors warn against the same formulation of the object of dissertation research in various branches of legal science through the prism of social relations because of their questionable effectiveness for the development of doctrine and improvement of legal practice, especially in terms of solving the key problem of legal science to ensure the stable functioning of society in the coordinates of a fair legal order. According to the authors, in the coordinates of the methodological dimension it is advisable to formulate the object and subject of dissertation research in accordance with the existing conceptually verified scientific directions in legal science, which have a wide range of possible forms: theoretical jurisprudence, dogmatic jurisprudence, doctrinal jurisprudence, institutional jurisprudence with relevant functions, tasks, and, consequently, contribution to the general system of legal knowledge.
Keywords | legal science; object and subject of research; methodology of dissertation research; legal order; doctrine; legal practice |
References | Bibliography
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