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Article Doctrine of Competitive Process

Doctor of Laws, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine)



Doctor of Laws, Professor, Professor of the Economic Law and  the  Procedural Law Department Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2021
Pages 13 - 22

The revival of interest in theoretical research of such legal phenomena as bankruptcy and competitive process in particular, in independent Ukraine, is associated with the enactment of the first national legislative act, which was devoted to the regulation of material and procedural relations of bankruptcy.

In fact, legal science since the late 90-s of the last century, being placed in qualitatively different conditions compared to previous ones. It paid considerable attention to rethinking the conceptual foundations of bankruptcy law, which began to be actively and consistently developed in the scientific literature, including such current issues: improvement and codification of bankruptcy legislation; optimization of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of bankruptcy; state policy in the field of bankruptcy; determining the legal nature of bankruptcy relations; specifics of the legal status of the parties and other participants in the bankruptcy relationship; procedural principles and features of bankruptcy proceedings; definition and content of bankruptcy proceedings and others.

The purpose of the article is: to highlight the influence of the achievements of the dogma of national bankruptcy law and its component – the dogma of the competitive process on the improvement of the latest Ukrainian bankruptcy legislation and its application practices.

It is found that the practical significance of the doctrinal provisions of the competitive process lies in their implementation in law-making and law-enforcement activities.

The author concludes that the legislator in improving the legal regulation of bankruptcy should take into account the results of doctrinal research in this area, which aimed at solving global problems of restoring the solvency of businesses and settling the debt obligations of citizens.


Keywords bankruptcy; competitive process; bankruptcy law doctrine; bankruptcy legislation; bankruptcy procedures; debtor; creditors


Authored books

1. Golmsten A, Istoricheskij ocherk russkogo konkursnogo processa (Typ V S Balasheva 1888) (in Russian).

2. Radzyviliuk V, Zapobihannia bankrutstvu (nespromozhnosti): hospodarcko-pravovyi aspekt (Aspekt-Polihraf 2013) (in Ukrainian).

3. Shershenevich G, Konkursnyj process (Statut 2000) (in Russian).


Journal articles

4. Polyakov B, ‘Pro koncepciyu reformuvannya zakonodavstva pro nespromozhnist (bankrutstvo)’ (2002) 7 Pravo Ukrainy 59–63 (in Ukrainian).

5. Radzyviliuk V, Poliakov R, ‘Problemy zastosuvannya gospodarsko-procesualnyx norm u proceduri bankrutstva (neplatospromozhnosti)’ (2020) 7 Pravo Ukrainy 148 (in Ukrainian). 6. Radzyviliuk V, ‘Nalezhnist myrovoi uhody do protsedur bankrutstva’ [2016] 6 (92) Teoriia i praktyka intelektualnoi vlasnosti 99–100 (in Ukrainian).

7. Radzyviliuk V, ‘Kontseptualni zminy tsilovoi spriamovanosti novitnoho zakonodavstva pro bankrutstvo’ (2019) 8 Pravo Ukrainy 118 (in Ukrainian).



8. Radzivilyuk V, ‘Sanaciia yak sudova procedura bankrutstva: porivnialno-pravove doslidzhennia’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2000) (in Ukrainian).



9. Poliakov B, Poliakov R, ‘Zolote telia, abo Arbitrazhnyi keruiuchyi ne rab kredytoriv, a subiekt nezalezhnoi profesiinoi diialnosti za rakhunok ostannikh’ (Zakon i Biznes, 02.05–08.05.2020) < kreditoriv_a_subekt_nezalezh.html> (accessed: 04.10.2020) (in Ukrainian).

10. Polyakov B, ‘Ali-Baba i 40 razbojnikov, ili Kak fizicheskomu licu mozhno razbogatet s pomoshyu Kodeksa po proceduram bankrotstva’ (Zakon i Biznes, 07.09–13.09.2019) < pomoschyu_kodeksa_.html> (accessed: 28.09.2020) (in Russian).

11. Polyakov B, ‘Kazus potentsiinoi likvidatsii’ (Zakon i Biznes, 15.06–21.06.2019) <https:// derzhavniy_organ_.html> (accessed: 28.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).

12. Polyakov B, ‘Pryntsyp domino, abo Yak KzPB mozhe sprovokuvaty lantsiuhove padinnia pidpryiemstv krainy’ (Zakon i Biznes, 03.08–09.08.2019) < print/138714-yak_kzpb_mozhe_sprovokuvati_lancyugove_padinnya_pidpriemstv_. html> (accessed: 28.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).

13. Polyakov B, Polyakov R, ‘Kyt i kit, abo Kolizii spozhyvchoho kredytuvannia’ (Zakon i Biznes, 21.11–27.11.2020) <> (accessed: 25.09.2020) (in Ukrainian).


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