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Article Bankruptcy Proceedings as a Special Type of Proceedings in Economic Court Procedure

Ph.D. in Law, Associate professor (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2021
Pages 23 - 32

Bankruptcy cases occupy a special place in economic litigation, which is due to a number of factors, namely: a wide range of participants in the case, a special procedural order of consideration of such cases and so on. Until the debtor or creditor apply to the economic court to file for bankruptcy, the “debtor – creditors” relationships are largely private, as creditors choose how, when and in what way to file their claims to the debtor. When bankruptcy proceedings are instituted against such a debtor, the “debtor – creditors” relationships move to a new level: first, the creditors “persecute” the debtor not individually, but all together, and secondly, the economic court and the arbitration manager are already playing an active role in this process.

On October 21, 2019, the Code of Ukraine for Bankruptcy Proceedings came into force, which became a progressive step of the legislator in the legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy), but, at the same time, posed new challenges and questions to science and practice, including the location of proceedings on bankruptcy in the system of economic litigation.

The purpose of the article is to theoretically comprehend the place of bankruptcy proceedings in economic litigation and to identify the features inherent in bankruptcy proceedings.

Insolvency (bankruptcy) relations, which by their nature are complex (substantive and procedural), in any case must exist within the economic procedural form, because, as a general rule, there is no open proceedings in the case of bankruptcy, it is impossible to talk about insolvency relations (bankruptcy) (not taking into account the rehabilitation of the debtor before the opening of proceedings).

The author emphasizes that bankruptcy proceedings are an independent type of proceedings in economic litigation, which has its own characteristics. According to the results of the study, the author concludes that among the characteristic features of bankruptcy proceedings are: 1) the dualistic nature of legal regulation – the rules of the Economic Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Code of Ukraine for Bankruptcy Proceedings; 2) the active role of the economic court in the bankruptcy case; 3) special subject composition; 4) concentration within the bankruptcy case of all disputes to which the debtor is a party; 5) application of special substantive and procedural norms during bankruptcy proceedings.


Keywords bankruptcy; insolvency; economic litigation; economic process; economicprocedural form




Authored books

1. Poljakov B, Zakon Ukrainy “O vosstanovlenii platezhesposobnosti dolzhnika ili priznanii ego bankrotom”: Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij, t 1 (Logos 2014) (in Russian).

2. Pryhuza P D, Dovhan A P, Katrechko D V, Umysne bankrutstvo: teoriia i praktyka subsydiarnoi vidpovidalnosti: naukovo-praktychnyi posibnyk (Borysfen-pro 2020) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

3. Ivaniuta N V, ‘Osoblyvosti hospodarsko-protsesualnoi formy u sudochynstvi’ (2018) 4 Pravovi novely 301 (in Ukrainian).

4. Maslovskyi S V, ‘Povnovazhennia sudu pershoi instantsii v provadzhenni u spravi pro bankrutstvo’ (2019) 12 Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo 109 (in Ukrainian).

5. Nikolenko L M, ‘Materialni ta protsesualni normy i pravovidnosyny: yikh vzaiemozv’iazok u hospodarskomu sudochynstvi’ (2013) 10 Nashe pravo 151 (in Ukrainian).

6. Radzyviliuk V, Poliakov R, ‘Problemy zastosuvannia hospodarsko-protsesualnykh norm u protseduri bankrutstva (neplatospromozhnosti)’ (2020) 7 Pravo Ukrainy 156–57 (in Ukrainian).

7. Talykin Ye A, ‘Vyznachennia poniattia hospodarskoi protsesualnoi formy’ (2011) 4 Forum prava 727 (in Ukrainian).

8. Talykin Ye, ‘Funktsii ta protsesualna forma rozghliadu sprav pro bankrutstvo’ (2013) 5 Yurydychna Ukraina 89 (in Ukrainian).



9. Kabenok Yu, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia arbitrazhnoho upravlinnia v protseduri bankrutstva v Ukraini’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2019) (in Ukrainian).

10. Vechirko I, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia protsesualnykh vidnosyn u spravakh pro bankrutstvo v Ukraini’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2011) (in Ukrainian).


Conferense papers

11. Vechirko I O, ‘Pro mistse protsesualnykh pravovidnosyn v systemi pravovoho rehuliuvannia vidnosyn nespromozhnosti (bankrutstva)’ v Suchasni vyklyky ta aktualni problemy sudovoi reformy v Ukraini: III mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsii (Tekhnodruk 2019) 117 (in Ukrainian).



12. Poliakov B, ‘Miski kvity abo Myrova uhoda u protseduri bankrutstva’ (Zakon i Biznes, 04.04–10.04.2020) < proceduri_bankrutstva_.html> (accessed: 15.11.2020) (in Ukrainian).



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