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Article Record of Title in Land as a Type of Possession, and its Protection

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, First Deputy Head State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2021
Pages 178 - 194

One of the most important characteristic features of a land parcel as an object of property titles is the specifics of possession. Nowadays such possession is usually done through making title to land public by entries in a public registry. Mentioning property title directly in the law can be also considered as a record of title. At the same time, it is obvious that it is not enough to make the title public, it is also necessary to somehow identify the land parcel itself.

The aim of the article is to establish the legal nature of the land parcel description as a part of title registration, and to identify the proper remedies in various cases of possession by record violations.

The author argues that the protection of the owner deprived of his or her possession should be done by means of actio vindicatio. There is no theoretical basis for introduction of additional or specific remedies, in particular, the remedies of “annulment of state registration of land parcels”, “rendering title documents invalid”, “termination of rights in land” etc.

The claim to establish a boundary has specific legal nature and can be identified as actio finium regundorum which was already known at the time of Ancient Rome as a specific in rem remedy.

The specific features of land parcels as immovable objects can create situations when land parcel can be in simultaneous conflicting possession of two and more persons (including situations when titles are “recorded” by a reference in the law). Such violations should be regarded as lasting and can be remedies through actio vindicatio.


Keywords land parcel; land cadastre; registry of titles; actio vindicatio; action negatoria; actio finium regundorum; recorded possession


Authored books

1. Dozhdev D, Rimskoe chastnoe parvo: uchebnik dlja vuzov (INFRA M – NORMA 1996) (in Russian).

2. Grimm D, Lekcii po dogme rimskogo prava (vosproizvoditsja po pjatomu izdaniju, 1916 2003) (in Russian).

3. Hoshko Yu, Zvychaieve pravo naselennia Ukrainskykh Karpat ta Prykarpattia ХІV– ХІХ st. (1999) (in Ukrainian).

 4. Pidopryhora A, Osnovy rymskoho tsyvilnoho prava: pidruchnyk dlia studentiv yurydychnyh vuziv i fakultetiv (Venturi 1997) (in Ukrainian).


 Edited books

 5. Borysova V, Baranova L (red), Osnovy rymskoho pryvatnoho prava: pidruchnyk (Pravo 2008) (in Ukrainian).

6. Zemelne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk (Shulha M red, Yurinkom Inter 2004) (in Ukrainian).

7. Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Zemelnoho kodeksu Ukrainy (Medvedchuk V red, Yurinkom Inter 2004) (in Ukrainian).

8. Khrestomatiia z istorii derzhavy i prava Ukrainy, t 1: Z naidavnishykh chasiv do pochatku XX st.: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia vyshchykh navchalnyh zakladiv i fakultetiv (Honcharenko V red, In Yure 1997) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

9. Kucevich O, ‘“Nakladki” zemel’nyh uchastkov pri ih opisanii v Gosudarstvennom zemel’nom kadastre: pravovye posledstvija i sposoby predotvrashhenija’ (2015) 2/3 Legea Si Viata 59 (in Russian).

10. Miroshnychenko A, Popov Yu, Ripenko A, ‘Zemelni dilianky: vindykatsiia, restytutsiia, kondyktsiia, vyznannia prav (spivvidnoshennia ta deiaki problemni pytannia)’ (2012) 16 Chasopys Akademii advokatury Ukrainy 8–9 (in Ukrainian).

11. Popov Yu, ‘Systema reiestratsii prav na nerukhomist: neobkhidne i dostatnie vrakhuvannia spetsyfiky knyzhkovoho volodinnia’ (2015) 14 Ukrainske komertsiine pravo 68 (in Ukrainian).Thesis 12. Yasinska L, ‘Stanovlennia ta rozvytok instytutu notariatu v Ukraini (istoryko-pravovyi aspekt)’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2005) (in Ukrainian).



13. Lionel R. Decramer, ‘La grande carte romaine d’Orange’ (Toulouse le, 25.01.2005) <> (accessed: 21.05.2021) (in French).



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