Article | Unknown Factor of Unity of Judicial Practice – Standard of Law Interpretation |
Authors |
Phd in Law, Scientific Adviser of the Department for Ensuring the Work of the Secretary and Judges of the Judicial Chamber of the Office for Ensuring the Bankruptcy Cases of the Secretariat of the Commercial Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2021 |
Pages | 215 - 227 |
Annotation | The unity and sustainability of judicial practice in modern science and law enforcement practice is traditionally considered in the context of the tasks of the Supreme Court defined by Article 36 of the Law of Ukraine “On Judiciary and the Status of Judges” and procedural laws in accordance with the form of justice. However, such a factor of the unity of judicial practice as the standard of interpretation of regulations is insufficiently paid attention, which leaves the preconditions for the unpredictability of the law. The purpose of this article is to find ways to regulate such an unrecognized by the legislator factor of unity of judicial practice as the interpretation of law, because the limits of court discretion in the administration of justice depend on the limits of interpretation of regulations. The article proposes a rethinking of the classical understanding of the separation of powers and its filling with a modern context. The necessity of streamlining judicial interpretation through the adoption by the Council of Europe of the relevant international act – the conclusion of the Advisory Council of European Judges – has been proved. The use of six elements of interpretation is proposed as the basis of the standard of legal interpretation (justice): 1) text; 2) the history of this text; 3) traditions (as this text was used before); 4) precedent (established case law); 5) the purpose of the provision; 6) the consequences of interpretation. It has been proved that the regulation of interpretation is necessary in order to achieve greater synchronization of case law both between the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights and between the courts of cassation of the Supreme Court. Further research on the correlation of the main traditional approaches to the interpretation of regulations with the proposed standard of interpretation in the context of achieving legal certainty and predictability of law is proposed.
Keywords | interpretation; standard of legal interpretation; unity of judicial practice; separation of powers |
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