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Article Discussion on the Concept of Public Property Rights: “Pros” and “Cons

Candidate of Science of Law, Associate Professor, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Docent of Civil Law at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2021
Pages 50 - 66

Property rights, being a concept and a legal institution, can and should be studied not only as an exclusively integral entity, but also in its reasonably separated components, types, aspects, features, etc. The application of such a research methodology does not destroy the idea of the integrity of property rights, but on the contrary – in the case of measured and balanced application of this methodology provides a basis for a better understanding of property rights and relations within which this right is implemented. Given these considerations, the direct object of study within this work, the concept of “public property rights” was chosen.

The purpose of the article there is, firstly, the identification of the meaning of the concept of “public property rights”, and secondly, the establishment of further prospects for the application of this concept in theoretical and practical jurisprudence.

 It is established that in the Constitution and laws of Ukraine the term “public property rights” is not used, and the meaning of the relevant concept is not defined. At the same time, most modern scientists either confirm the possibility and appropriateness of usingthe term and concept of “public property rights” in research with certain restrictions, or justify the way of further development and evolution of this concept for its application in legislation, law enforcement and more. In this case, the “public property rights” is mainly considered as a generic concept, which covers the scope of such concepts as the property rights of the Ukrainian people, the right of state property, the right of communal property.

The article argues that there are no grounds for interpreting the content and scope of the concept of “public property rights” through the types of property rights belonging to different subjects of public law and states the lack of theoretical and practical need for the concept “public property rights”. Instead, it is proposed to support the idea of dividing state property into private (used to satisfy the private interest in obtaining income from their property) and public (not subject to alienation, privatization, because it satisfies the public interest). As a result, the right of state public property should be understood, first of all, as the right of property of the Ukrainian people. In turn, the right of private state property should be understood as the property right of that state property that can be alienated in favor of private owners.


Keywords property right; public property rights; property rights of the Ukrainian people; state property rights; communal property rights; the right of private state property; the right of public state property


Authored books

1. Maidanyk R, Rechove pravo: pidruchnyk (Alerta 2019) (in Ukrainian).

 2. Nosik V, Pravo vlasnosti na zemliu Ukrainskoho narodu (Yurinkom Inter 2006) (in Ukrainian).

3. Sklovskiy K, Sobstvennost v grazhdanskom prave: uchebno-prakticheskoe posobiye (2nd edn, Delo 2000) (in Russian).


Edited books

4. Dovhert A, Kharytonov Ye (red), Onovlennia Tsyvilnoho kodeksu Ukrainy: formuvannia pidkhodiv (Helvetyka 2020) (in Ukrainian).

5. Dzera O, Kuznetsova N (red), Pravo vlasnosti v Ukraini. Navch. posib. (Yurinkom Inter 2000) (in Ukrainian).

6. Kharytonov Ye, Kharytonova O (red), Rekodyfikatsiia tsyvilnoho zakonodavstva Ukrainy v umovakh yevrointehratsiinykh protsesiv (Norma prava 2020) (in Ukrainian).

7. Spasibo-Fateyeva I (red), Kharkovskaya tsivilisticheskaya shkola: pravo sobstvennosti (Pravo 2012) (in Russian).

8. Ustymenko V (red), Publichna vlasnist: problemy teorii i praktyky (Desna Polihraf 2014) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

 9. Dovhert A, ‘Rekodyfikatsiia Tsyvilnoho kodeksu Ukrainy: osnovni chynnyky i peredumovy dlia startu’ (2019) 1 Pravo Ukrainy 27 (in Ukrainian).

10. Mamutov V, ‘O publichnoy sobstvennosti v smeshannoy ekonomike’ (2013) 1 Ekonomіka ta pravo 5 (in Russian).

11. Mazayev V, ‘Publichnaya forma sobstvennosti kak instrument konstitutsionnopravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomiki’ (2017) 3 Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki 19 (in Russian).

12. Spasybo-Fatieieva I, ‘Formy prava vlasnosti’ (2009) 3 Visnyk Akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 150 (in Ukrainian).

13. Ustymenko V, Dzhabrailov R, ‘Zahalni ta spetsialni oznaky publichnoi vlasnosti yak predmet naukovykh doslidzhen’ [2012] 4 (71) Visnyk Akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 198 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

14. Shyshka R, ‘Rozdumy shchodo kodyfikatsii tsyvilnoho zakonodavstva’ v Problemy tsyvilnoho prava ta protsesu: tezy dopovidi uchasnykiv naukovo-praktychnoi konferntsii, prysviacheny 95 richnytsi vid dnia narodzhennia O. A. Pushkina (Panov 2020) 83 (in Ukrainian).



15. Spasybo-Fatieieva I, ‘Z pryvodu kontseptsii shchodo modernizatsii Tsyvilnoho kodeksu Ukrainy (rekodyfikatsii)’ (Sudebno-yuridicheskaya gazeta. Blog, 23.12.2019) <https://> (accessed: 14 April 2021) (in Ukrainian).


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