Article | Spacial Property: Legislation and Doctrine |
Authors |
PhD in Law, Private higher educational establishment “Kharkiv institute of management stuff” (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2021 |
Pages | 103 - 118 |
Annotation | The article considers the analysis of construction of spacial (floor) property, which assumes the existence of real property rights to individual premises in buildings in relation to such rights with the right to the building as a whole. The article aims determination the optimal model of spacial property for the civil law of Ukraine, which is essential given the social importance of this issue with insufficient development in the national civil doctrine. The author observes the socio-economic preconditions for the formation of the structure of spacial property, highlights the models of this structure in the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family. In the specified general context the history of origin and development of floor property in a national legal order is traced, and also the current condition of the legislation on the considered question is analyzed. The author concludes that it is necessary to reform significantly the institution of spacial property in the civil law of Ukraine. The initial idea should be the introduction of the possibility of three alternative models of spacial property organization: the Roman model adopted in national law (with its simultaneous improvement), the cooperative model, the South German model of joint ownership of the whole house. At the same time, the owners of apartments and non-residential premises in an apartment building should be given the opportunity to choose the model of organization of property relations that they want to implement for themselves. However, there should be only one such model in one building.
Keywords | property; real estate; rights to premises; apartment building; apartments; premises; floor property; spaсial property |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Fuchs J, “Wohnungseigentum” Creifelds, Rechtswörterbuch (23 ed, C. H. Beck Verlag 2019) (in German). 2. Gierke O. von, Deutsches Privatrecht, bd II (Leipzig 1905) (in German). 3. Huber E, System und Geschichte des Schweizerischen Privatrechts, bd III (Helbing u. Lichtenhahn 1932–1937) (in German). 4. Mattei U, Basic Principles of Property Law: A Comparative Legal and Economic Introduction (Westport 2000) (in English). 5. Genkin D, Pravo sobstvennosti v SSSR (Gosjurizdat 1961) (in Russian). 6. Landkof S, Fel’dman A, Burshtejn I, Zhilishhnoe i zhilishhno-stroitel’noe zakono datel’stvo (Budіvel’nik 1967) (in Russian). 7. Maslov V, Osnovnye problemy prava lichnoj sobstvennosti v period stroitel’stva kommunizma v SSSR (Izd-vo Har’k un-ta 1968) (in Russian).
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