Article | Property Rights in Money |
Authors |
PhD in Law, assistant professor, assistant professor of civil law department #1, head of scientific-research sector Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2021 |
Pages | 119 - 134 |
Annotation | The article is devoted to the analysis of certain issues of the property rights in money. The monetary value of ownership and property relations, in particular, emphasizes the relevance of the issue of ownership on money. However, the close connection of the considered phenomena does not indicate the absence of scientific discussion about their correlation. The purpose of the article is to find out the place of money in the system of objects of property rights, to determine the peculiarities of the exercising and protection of property rights on money. This goal can be achieved by examining of current legislation that defines the legal regime of money as objects of civil rights, as well as certain rules of the Civil Code of Ukraine on the regulation of property relations. The main results of the research are determined by disclosure of the economic and legal nature of money and by detection of features that are reflected in the specifics of the acquisition, termination, exercise and protection of the property rights in money. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were made. Money should be understood as a proprietary good that performs economic functions (measures of value; means of circulation; means of payment; means of accumulation; world money) and for which the law recognizes the status of legal tender. Money is an independent proprietary good in the system of objects of civil rights, which in a particular legal relationship is objectified in one of three forms (cash in the form of banknotes and coins; non-cash money in the form of the records on bank accounts or other financial institutions accounts; electronic money in the form of records on an electronic device). Cash (banknotes and coins) are recognized as a things, cashless and electronic money are recognized as a proprietary rights of a special kind that are not included in the plurality of property or obligation rights – the right to purchasing power. The content of the right to purchasing power is the competency of preservation of purchasing power and competency to use the purchasing power. Despite the fact that the right of ownership is a right on things, the requirements of modern property circulation and methods of legal fiction allow us to talk about the property rights in money, without matter of the form of their fixation. Significant restrictions on property protection on money ownership are noteworthy.
Keywords | property rights in money; non-cash money; electronic money; cash; legal tender; the right to purchasing power |
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