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Article Corporate Relations Arising in the Process of Creating Professional Participants in Non-Banking Financial Services Markets

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Economic Law and  the Economic Procedural Law Department Institute of Law Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv   (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2021
Pages 183 - 195

A small number of theoretical studies and, as a result, insufficient development of the problems of corporate relations that may arise in the process of creating professional participants in the markets of non-bank financial services, determine the relevance of this article.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the positions existing in the economic and legal doctrine regarding the legal nature and concept of corporate relations. To analyze the organizational and legal forms of operation of economic entities engaged in the provision of non-banking financial services, as well as corporate relations that may arise in the process of their creation. Based on the selected features, propose the definition of a professional participant in the markets of non-bank financial services.

 Most professional participants in the markets of non-bank financial services are legal entities created in the form of companies, and therefore may be subjects of corporate relations. After acquiring professional participant of non-bank financial services markets, the status of a legal entity of a defined corporate organizational and legal form as part of corporate relations may arise organizational and economic (in particular, regarding the management of this entity) and property and economic relations (regarding the distribution of profit and receipt of its part (dividends), regarding the alienation of shares in the authorized capital, securities, etc.).

As a result of the study, the author concluded that professional participants in the markets of non-bank financial services are participants in economic relations, including corporate ones, the exclusive type of economic activity of which is the activity of providing non-bank financial services (professional financial activity), realize at the same time economic competence (a set of economic rights and responsibilities, enshrined in the relevant regulations governing a certain type of professional financial activity), have separate property and are responsible for their obligations within this property, except in cases stipulated by law. It is proposed in Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Services Markets” along with the type of financial services to indicate the relevant professional participant who can provide it, as the proposed changes will improve the process of perception and application of the provisions of this Law.


Keywords corporaterelations; markets of non-bank financial services; professional participants of non-bank financial services markets; professional financial activity


Authored books

1. Kolohoida O, Hospodarsko-pravove rehuliuvannia fondovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini (Lira-K 2015) (in Ukrainian).

2. Lukach I, Teoretychni problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia korporatyvnykh vidnosyn v Ukraini (Lira-K 2015) (in Ukrainian).

3. Masliaieva K, Hospodarsko-pravove zabezpechennia funktsionuvannia rynku finansovykh posluh Ukrainy (FShN 2010) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

 4. Aktsionerne pravo: navchalnyi posibnyk (Luts V, Krupchan O red, In Yure 2004) (in Ukrainian).

5. Hospodarske pravo: praktykum (2-e vyd, pererob i dop, Shcherbyna V red, Yurinkom Inter 2003) (in Ukrainian).

6. Hospodarske pravo (Zahalna chastyna): pidruchnyk (Shcherbyna V, Rieznikova V red, Lira-K 2021) (in Ukrainian).

7. Khoziaistvennoe pravo: uchebnyk (Mamutov V red, Yurynkom Ynter 2002) (in Russian).


Journal articles

 8. Kolosov R, ‘Poniattia ta zmist korporatyvnykh pravovidnosyn: teoretyko-pravovyi aspekt’ (2017) 8 Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo 35–8 (in Ukrainian).

9. Mentukh N, ‘Lizynhovi kompanii: poniattia ta oznaky’ (2016) 2 Aktualni problemy pravoznavstva 108–12 (in Ukrainian).

10. Popova A, ‘Poniattia, oznaky ta vydy hospodarskykh pravovidnosyn na rynkakh nebankivskykh finansovykh posluh’ (2019) 8 Pravo Ukrainy 181–95 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

11. Harahonych O, ‘Pravova pryroda korporatyvnykh pravovidnosyn’ v Predmet pravovoho rehuliuvannia haluzei vitchyznianoho prava: materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovopraktychnoi konferentsii (Hrytsenko I, Melnyk R ta inshi red, Helvetyka 2019) 46–50 (in Ukrainian).



12. Batryn S, ‘Korporatyvni pravovidnosyny u hospodarskomu pravi’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2012) (in Ukrainian).

13. Vinnyk O, ‘Teoretychni aspekty pravovoho zabezpechennia realizatsiï publichnykh i pryvatnykh interesiv v hospodarskykh tovarystvakh’ (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2004) (in Ukrainian).

14. Smitiukh A, ‘Korporatyvni prav ta korporatyvni pai (chastky): teoretyko-pravovi zasady’ (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2018) (in Ukrainian).


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