Article title Corporate Law Institute of Legal Liability

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Economic Law Department of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:

Researcher ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6/2021
Сторінки [59-77]

The article investigates the legal nature of corporate relations participants, officials of the management bodies, end beneficiary owners, “shadow” directors responsibility. The features and principles of corporate responsibility in corporate relations are determined.

The signs of corporate liability are attributed: a) legal (law, statute, internal document (provisions, rules), contract, corporate agreement) and the actual basis of occurrence (corporate offense); b) special subject – corporate relations participants, founders, chairman and members of the liquidation commission, arbitration manager, temporarily acting officials, illegitimate management bodies persons, management bodies former members, “shadow” directors, persons who bear subsidiary responsibility of the company obligations under the law, ultimate beneficial owners, bank associated persons; c) content – the restriction or deprivation of corporate law, relating to the offender of additional duty or negative consequence; d) application in a order special installed, established by law, local regulatory act, civil or corporate agreement; i) functions: corporate legal relations participants responsibilities ensuring, creditors and stakeholders protection, offender punishment.

 Under the corporate offense, the author understands corporate rights or protected interests of other participants violations, non-fulfillment or improper performance of participants corporate responsibilities or officials fiduciary duties, abuse of law.

Corporate responsibility in the form of losses compensation requires the full corporate offense composition: illegal behavior (action or inaction), damage, causal connection, fault. In case of damage and illegal behavior, the fault of the offender and the causal relationship are prescribed and may be refuted by the defendant in the general order.

Corporate responsibility principles include the principles of separate responsibility of the company and its participants, limited liability of participants, full compensation for losses, specialists, personalization and differentiation.

The Ukrainian legislation regulating the grounds and procedure of the corporate responsibility, judicial practice is analyzed.


Keywords corporate responsibility; corporate disputes; corporate responsibility principles; corporate offense


Authored books

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