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Article Mediation of Corporate Disputes

Doctor of Law, Professor  (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Researcher ID:



Doctor of Law, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Researcher ID:



Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2021
Pages 117 - 127

The article examines the possibility of corporate dispute resolution with mediation in terms of business challenges and the experience of modern legal experience in the European Union and internationally. The legal regulation of mediation in the context of Directive 2008/52/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council On certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters and the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation signed on 7 August 2019 (Singapore Convention, which was signed by 46 countries, including Ukraine) are studied. Draft Ukrainian laws On mediation from the standpoint of corporate dispute resolution are analyzed.

The aim of the article is to study the prospects for the introduction of mediation in corporate disputes in Ukraine in view of the best foreign practices.

Current Ukrainian legislation does not regulate mediation. As a result of the analysis of the draft laws On mediation, it was revealed that the possibility of mediation settlement of the dispute should not follow exclusively from the provisions of the agreement. Mediation should be a way of resolving conflicts that have arisen or may arise between the parties, whether they are contractual or not. This provision has an extremely important practical component for corporate law, as the charter is not a type of contract under Ukrainian law. In the meantime, it would be convenient to enshrine the possibility of resolving corporate conflicts through mediation in the charter. The authors conclude that it is necessary to legislate the enforcement of a mediation decision in view of business challenges. This necessity is justified by the peculiarities of corporate conflicts, the need to promote mediation, the unloading of the judicial system.


Keywords mediation; corporate dispute; mediation decision; regulations; Singapore Convention on Mediation



Authored books

1. Runesson E M, Guy M L, Mediating corporate governance conflicts and disputes (Focus 2017) (in English).

2. Steffek Felix, Mediation in the European Union: An Introduction (Cambridge 2012) (in English).


Journal articles

3. Mackie K, ‘A new reality emerging in corporate counsel dispute. Manager?’ (2013) JulSep Corporate Disputes 55–7 (in English).

4. Sussman E, ‘The Singapore Convention. Promoting the Enforcement and Recognition of International Mediated Settlement Agreements’ (2018) 3 ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 42–54 (in English).

5. Belousov, P. ‘Perspektivy razvitiia mediatsii v Ukrainie’ (2014) 25 Yurist i zakon <http://www.kisiland> (in Russian).

6. Mazaraki H, ‘Sinhapurska konventsiia: teoretyko-pravovyi analiz’ (2019) 1 Zovnishnia torhivlia: ekonomika, finansy, pravo 26–34 (in Ukrainian).

7. Ostrovska O, and Finko O, ‘Mediatsiia yak alternatyvnyi sposib urehuliuvannia konfliktiv ta konsaltynhova posluha (2018) 21 Hlobalni ta natsionalni problemy ekonomiky 31 (in Ukrainian).

8. Pukhalenko V, ‘Deiaki aspekty mediatsii u tsyvilnykh ta komertsiinykh spravakh, yak skladova polityky Yevropeiskoho soiuzu’ (2012) 3 Forum prava 585–9 (in Ukrainian).



9. ‘Mediation in Italy’ <> (accessed: 29.06.2021) (in English).

10. ‘UK: post Jackson reforms – are mediation costs recoverable?’ < adr/2013/05/29/uk-post-jackson-reforms-are-mediation-costs-recoverable> (accessed: 29.06.2021) (in English).

11. Runesson E M, Mari-Lorans H, ‘Mediatsiia konfliktiv i sporiv u haluzi korporatyvnoho upravlinnia’ < 60ad5911/FocusReport_Ukr_final.pdf?MOD=AJPERES> (accessed: 29.06.2021) (in Ukrainian).

12. Shvarts, O, ‘Obzor zakonodatelstva Ispanii o mediatsii’ < about_mediation/foreign_law/spain/text1> (accessed: 29.06.2021) (in Russian).


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